Dans cet article, nous parlerons de notre ancienne infrastructure basée sur Nginx, de ses plaies et des avantages que nous avons obtenus après la migration vers Envoy . Nous comparerons Nginx et Envoy de différentes manières. Nous aborderons également brièvement le processus de migration, l'état actuel, ainsi que les problèmes rencontrés lors de la transition.
Lorsque nous avons basculé la majeure partie du trafic vers Envoy, nous avons pu migrer de manière transparente un système qui gère des dizaines de millions de connexions ouvertes, des millions de demandes par seconde et des térabits de bande passante. En fait, nous sommes devenus l'un des plus grands utilisateurs d'Envoy au monde.
Avertissement: Nous essayons de rester objectifs, pas mal de comparaisons ne s'appliquent qu'à Dropbox et à nos principes de développement logiciel: nous parions sur Bazel, gRPC, C ++ et Golang.
, Nginx , .
, Nginx
Nginx , Python2, Jinja YAML. . , upstream , Lua. , Go. , Nginx.
Nginx . :
- () API REST gRPC, .
- Protocol buffers de facto
- , , Bazel.
- .
Nginx :
- YAML, Jinja2 Python.
- Lua, ,
- , .
- , : syslog, logrotate , , .
, Bandaid, -, Go. Dropbox, Go: , , .. Nginx, , :
- Golang , C++. Edge, " " .
- (GC), HTTP TLS, , BoringSSL, Nginx\Envoy.
- "goroutine-per-request" GC , .
- FIPS Golang TLS
- Bandaid Dropbox, , .
, Envoy
, , , Envoy , Nginx Envoy.
, . , , , , , , ( aio, aio_write, thread pools). , .
( BPF) libevent ( — epoll(2)
). Envoy - -. , .
, Nginx Envoy . — , Nginx Envoy. , , , .
: RPS, , gRPC . . Nginx , . Envoy , envoy-perf, , , . "hulk", "" .
- Nginx . -,
, . - Nginx Envoy, Lua Nginx RPS . ,
, mutex. , . -counter(9)
FreeBSD, : , , . , Nginx ( , ), , .
Envoy , 60% , Nginx.
, , . , , .
Nginx "stub status", :
Active connections: 291
server accepts handled requests
16630948 16630948 31070465
Reading: 6 Writing: 179 Waiting: 106
, log_by_lua
, , , Lua: , , .. , :
function _M.cache_hit_stats(stat)
if _var.upstream_cache_status then
if _var.upstream_cache_status == "HIT" then
, , error.log
, upstream, http, Lua TLS.
Nginx: , , RSS\VMS, TLS .
Envoy ( Prometheus), , :
$ curl -s http://localhost:3990/stats/prometheus | wc -l
- \ upstream\ , .
- , , .
Envoy. /certs
, /clusters
, :
, . -
, /runtime_modify
, , ..
Envoy . , , , Edge . Nginx OpenTracing, .
Envoy gRPC, syslog-to-hive (, .. Envoy syslog . ). ( !) gRPC, TCP\UDP.
Envoy, , gRP: Access Log Service (ALS). Envoy data plane , .
Nginx "". . ( , , \ ..) ( syslog, HTTP). , Nginx shell-. .
Envoy , data plane control plane, , , . protobuf gRPC, API, xDS. Envoy ( ) xDS. Envoy, UDPA (universal data plane interface) : "de facto" L4\L7. — . ORCA (Open Request Cost Agregation) UDPA , Envoy, Katran, eBPF\XDP L4.
Dropbox, API gRPC. xDS control plane, Envoy , , . Dropbox RPC — , , , , gRPC.
xDS, Nginx, , :
- Access Log Service (ALS), , , .
Nginx - Endpoint discovery service (EDS), .
( Luabalancer_by_lua_block
) Nginx. . - Secret discovery service (SDS), TLS, Nginx
). . - Runtime discovery service (RTDS), runtime . Nginx , Lua. . Envoy -, RTDS API , (, ,
), . - Route discovery service (RDS): . Nginx location c
proxy_pass```. .
Envoy . control plane Envoy, Istio go-control-plane. Envoy API xDS. gRPC . Golang Envoy API xDS. , , cron\logrotate\syslog\ ..
Nginx . , . — Python2, Jinja2 YAML. , erb, pug, Text::Template m4 ( ! . ):
{% for server in servers %}
server {
{% for error_page in server.error_pages %}
error_page {{ error_page.statuses|join(' ') }} {{ error_page.file }};
{% endfor %}
{% for route in service.routes %}
{% if route.regex or route.prefix or route.exact_path %}
location {% if route.regex %}~ {{route.regex}}{%
elif route.exact_path %}= {{ route.exact_path }}{%
else %}{{ route.prefix }}{% endif %} {
{% if route.brotli_level %}
brotli on;
brotli_comp_level {{ route.brotli_level }};
{% endif %}
Nginx : \ . YAML anchors, Jinja2 — , , Python . . , :
- . — .
- C. , , .
nginx -t
Envoy : Protocol Buffers. , . , , protobuf , \ — .
Envoy protobuf Python3. proto, Python. :
from dropbox.proto.envoy.extensions.filters.http.gzip.v3.gzip_pb2 import Gzip
from dropbox.proto.envoy.extensions.filters.http.compressor.v3.compressor_pb2 import Compressor
def default_gzip_config(
compression_level: Gzip.CompressionLevel.Enum = Gzip.CompressionLevel.DEFAULT,
) -> Gzip:
return Gzip(
# Envoy's default is 6 (Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION).
# Envoy's default is 4k (12 bits). Nginx uses 32k (MAX_WBITS, 15 bits).
# Envoy's default is 5. Nginx uses 8 (MAX_MEM_LEVEL - 1).
Python3 ! mypy-protobuf . IDE . , protobuf . window_bits
Gzip 9 15. protoc-gen-validate:
google.protobuf.UInt32Value window_bits = 9 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 15 gte: 9}];
— , :
// Value from 1 to 9 that controls the amount of internal memory used by zlib. Higher values.
// use more memory, but are faster and produce better compression results. The default value is 5.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value memory_level = 1 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {lte: 9 gte: 1}];
, protobuf , , , Harvey Tuch, Envoy.
Nginx - , , C. . , . Nginx. , , : hash-, , - , ( RAII), HTTP. , pcre, zlib, openssl libc.
Nginx Perl Javascript. , .
lua-nginx-module OpenResty. . log_by_lua
- . — .
- C++14. , -, . C++14 Golang — Python. (! . )
- C++14 . abseil, C++, mutex , , \ , .
Envoy Vortex2 ( framework ) 200 stats.
Envoy Lua moonjit, LuaJIT c Lua 5.2. Lua Nginx , Lua Envoy - , . , Lua, , Lua C++ Envoy.
Envoy , WebAssembly (WASM) — , . WASM . . Envoy WebAssembly for Proxies ( SDK C++ Rust), WASM L4\L7. , WASM . , proxy-wasm xDS, A\B . Kubecon'19 ( , ?) WASM Envoy . 60-70% C++.
WASM . , , proxy-wasm ABI. , WebAssembly. , C++.
Istio WebAssembly, WebAssemblyHub . .
Dropbox WebAssembly, , proxy-wasm SDK Go.
Nginx shell-, make. , Bazel , , . Google Nginx Bazel, Nginx, BoringSSL, PCRE, ZLIB Brotli.
Lua Python:
class ProtocolCountersTest(NginxTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ProtocolCountersTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.nginx_a = cls.add_nginx(
nginx_CONFIG_PATH, endpoint=["in"], upstream=["out"],
@assert_delta(lambda d: d == 0, get_stat("request_protocol_http2"))
@assert_delta(lambda d: d == 1, get_stat("request_protocol_http1"))
def test_http(self):
r = requests.get(self.nginx_a.endpoint["in"].url("/"))
assert r.status_code == requests.codes.ok
( ip-, ..) nginx -c
Envoy, Bazel, : Bazel . copybara protobuf Envoy, UDPA. , .
Envoy unit- ( gtest\gmock) , , . , .
Envoy 100% unit-. CI Azure .
$ bazel run --compilation_mode=opt test/common/upstream:load_balancer_benchmark -- --benchmark_filter=".*LeastRequestLoadBalancerChooseHost.*"
BM_LeastRequestLoadBalancerChooseHost/100/1/1000000 848 ms 449 ms 2 mean_hits=10k relative_stddev_hits=0.0102051 stddev_hits=102.051
Envoy unit- :
TEST_F(CourierClientIdFilterTest, IdentityParsing) {
struct TestCase {
std::vector<std::string> uris;
Identity expected;
std::vector<TestCase> tests = {
{{"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/service/foo"}, {"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/service/foo", "foo"}},
{{"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/user/boo"}, {"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/user/boo", "user.boo"}},
{{"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/host/strange"}, {"spiffe://prod.dropbox.com/host/strange", "host.strange"}},
{{"spiffe://corp.dropbox.com/user/bad-prefix"}, {"", ""}},
for (auto& test : tests) {
EXPECT_CALL(*ssl_, uriSanPeerCertificate()).WillOnce(testing::Return(test.uris));
EXPECT_EQ(GetIdentity(ssl_), test.expected);
. . unit- , Envoy.
Bazel — , - . , : , , / ..
Bazel , . . , , , ..
Nginx , . : zlib ( ), - TLS PCRE. Nginx , . , libc.
Nginx , OpenBSD. OpenBSD httpd
. BSDCon.
Envoy , , C++ , C, Nginx. . , , . .
Envoy . AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer MemorySanitizer. fuzzing.
, IT, OSS-Fuzz, fuzzing. .
, , . 22 .
Envoy , . Envoy Google's Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP). Google , , .
, , CVE-2019–18801
Ubuntu Debian, hardened , Edge. ASLR, :
build:hardened --force_pic
build:hardened --copt=-fstack-clash-protection
build:hardened --copt=-fstack-protector-strong
build:hardened --linkopt=-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now
fork, Nginx, , - , — 1000 . Envoy, , .
, . BoringSSL FIPS, . ASAN Edge.
, .
Nginx , . : , ( ), .
Nginx , . HTTP/2 , gRPC , . gRPC. " " , . , , , .
Envoy ingress\egress , gRPC . : , , . Nginx, Envoy upstream .
Envoy , Envoy S3 . eCache, HTTP Envoy.
Envoy , gRPC:
- gRPC, , gRPC ( Dropbox )
- HTTP/2 , TCP , .
- gRPC->HTTP ( ), HTTP/1 gRPC.
- gRPC->WEB, gRPC , (firewall, IDS ) HTTP/2.
- gRPC JSON transcoder, , API Dropbox, REST gRPC.
Envoy , :
- Egress , Envoy HTTP CONNECT — Squid . Squid Envoy, , data plane ( ).
- : Courier gRPC Envoy service mesh. Envoy , . Envoy . Hadoop . Superset airflow, presto hive. Grafan MySQL.
Nginx , . , bug tracker. #nginx
IRC FreeNode, .
Envoy : \ GitHub, ( Zoom , . ). Slack, .
, HTTP/3.
QUIC HTTP/3 Nginx F5. , . , Cloudflare . Nginx ( — , ! . )
Envoy , quiche. , , , , " ".
, . , Envoy, , gRPC .
Nginx Envoy , DNS. Envoy :
- Ingress . Dropbox gRPC Envoy. Envoy Edge.
- Ingress RPS. , gRPC, - .
- . , HTTP ( ). gRPC long-polling.
- RPS. API ( ). API gRPC. API REST Edge.
- Egress, . — AWS, S3. Squid , L4\L7 data plane.
, , www.dropbox.com. Edge Nginx. .
. - . API. Dropbox API, curl\wget HTTP/1.0 HTTP. Nginx "de facto", , . Nginx Envoy, API, Envoy . , .
/ RF :
- URL'. — , Nginx , Envoy . , ,
. - . Nginx
. , . ( ), Envoy: strip_matching_host_port. - . API -
Transfer-Encoding: Chunked
( C). , RFC7230 ,Transfer-Encoding
. . - ,
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
. Nginx, Envoy. RFC7230 , , , "". ,Content-Length
. http-parse, , Envoy.
, :
- circuit-breaking. Envoy , HTTP/1 HTTP/2, circuit breakers . , , Envoy mesh .
- . Nginx , , HTTP/1.0,
. NginxContent-Length
, . Envoy Buffer, , , .
- HTTP/3. . Envoy . Linux UDP Edge.
- xDS . Load Reporting service (LRS) Endpoint discovery service (EDS) Envoy, gRPC.
- Envoy WASM. Golang proxy-wasm SDK — Envoy Go, Golang.
- Bandaid. Dropbox data plane — . , Bandaid ( ) Envoy. , .
- Envoy mobile. , Envoy . (HTTP/3, gRPC, TLS 1.3 ..) .
. Traffic Runtime, : Agata Cieplik, Jeffrey Gensler, Konstantin Belyalov, Louis Opter, Naphat Sanguansin, Nikita V. Shirokov, Utsav Shah, Yi-Shu Tai, Envoy, .
Runtime Ruslan Nigmatullin, Envoy, Envoy MVP, .