TΓ’ches de fond Faust Partie II: Agents et Γ©quipes

Table des matières

  1. Partie I: Introduction

  2. Partie II: Agents et Γ©quipes

Que faisons-nous ici?

Donc, donc la deuxième partie. Comme il a été écrit précédemment, nous y ferons ce qui suit:

  1. Γ‰crivons un petit client pour alphavantage sur aiohttp avec des requΓͺtes pour les points de terminaison dont nous avons besoin.

  2. Nous ferons un agent qui collectera des donnΓ©es sur les titres et des mΓ©ta-informations les concernant.

, , , faust , , kafka, ( click), - , .


, aiohttp alphavantage.


import urllib.parse as urlparse
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import aiohttp
import pandas as pd
import stringcase
from loguru import logger

from horton.config import API_ENDPOINT

class AlphaVantageClient:
    def __init__(
        session: aiohttp.ClientSession,
        api_key: str,
        api_endpoint: str = API_ENDPOINT,
        self._query_params = {"datatype": "json", "apikey": api_key}
        self._api_endpoint = api_endpoint
        self._session = session

    def _format_fields(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        formatted_data = {}

        for field, item in data.items():
            formatted_data[stringcase.snakecase(field)] = item

        return formatted_data

    async def _construct_query(
        self, function: str, to_json: bool = True, **kwargs
    ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], str]:
        path = "query/"

        async with self._session.get(
            urlparse.urljoin(self._api_endpoint, path),
            params={"function": function, **kwargs, **self._query_params},
        ) as response:
            data = (await response.json()) if to_json else (await response.text())

            if to_json:
                data = self._format_fields(data)

        return data

    async def get_securities(self, state: str = "active") -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        data = await self._construct_query("LISTING_STATUS", state=state, to_json=False)

        data = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data))

        securities = data.to_dict("records")

        for index, security in enumerate(securities):
            security = self._format_fields(security)
            security["_type"] = "physical"

            securities[index] = security

        return securities

    async def get_security_overview(self, symbol: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
        return await self._construct_query("OVERVIEW", symbol=symbol)

    async def get_historical_data(self, symbol: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return await self._construct_query(
            "TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED", symbol=symbol, outputsize="full"

    async def get_last_price_data(self, symbol: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return await self._construct_query("GLOBAL_QUOTE", symbol=symbol)

    async def get_indicator_data(
        self, symbol: str, indicator: str, **indicator_options
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return await self._construct_query(
            indicator, symbol=symbol, **indicator_options


  1. API AlphaVantage , construct_query http .

  2. snake_case .

  3. logger.catch .

P.S. alphavantage config.yml, HORTON_SERVICE_APIKEY. .


securities .


- , .



import faust

from horton.config import KAFKA_BROKERS

def get_app():
    return faust.App("horton", broker=KAFKA_BROKERS)

, , , , App-. settings , .

app = get_app()

collect_securities_topic = app.topic("collect_securities", internal=True)

async def collect_securities(stream: StreamT[None]) -> AsyncIterable[bool]:

, faust- - . , ... , , internal -.

  1. kafka, , . , , :)

  2. internal, faust, , , , faust, : retention, retention policy (- delete, compact), - (partitions, , , faust).

  3. , , , . , (, - retention policy) .


app = get_app()

async def collect_securities(stream: StreamT[None]) -> AsyncIterable[bool]:

, , :)

app = get_app()

collect_securities_topic = app.topic("collect_securities", internal=True)

async def collect_securities(stream: StreamT[None]) -> AsyncIterable[bool]:
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async for _ in stream:
            logger.info("Start collect securities")

            client = AlphaVantageClient(session, API_KEY)

            securities = await client.get_securities()

            for security in securities:
                await SecurityCRUD.update_one(
                    {"symbol": security["symbol"], "exchange": security["exchange"]}, security, upsert=True

            yield True

, aiohttp . , , , - , ( , concurrency ).

, ( _, , , ) , (offset), , . , , (get_securities - active, . ) , , , , () .


> docker-compose up -d
...   ...
> faust -A horton.agents worker --without-web -l info

P.S. - faust , .

faust', ( ) info. :

β”ŒΖ’aΒ΅S† v1.10.4┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
β”‚ id          β”‚ horton                                            β”‚
β”‚ transport   β”‚ [URL('kafka://localhost:9092')]                   β”‚
β”‚ store       β”‚ memory:                                           β”‚
β”‚ log         β”‚ -stderr- (info)                                   β”‚
β”‚ pid         β”‚ 1271262                                           β”‚
β”‚ hostname    β”‚ host-name                                         β”‚
β”‚ platform    β”‚ CPython 3.8.2 (Linux x86_64)                      β”‚
β”‚ drivers     β”‚                                                   β”‚
β”‚   transport β”‚ aiokafka=1.1.6                                    β”‚
β”‚   web       β”‚ aiohttp=3.6.2                                     β”‚
β”‚ datadir     β”‚ /path/to/project/horton-data                      β”‚
β”‚ appdir      β”‚ /path/to/project/horton-data/v1                   β”‚
... , ,  ...

β”ŒTopic Partition Set─────────┬────────────┐
β”‚ topic                      β”‚ partitions β”‚
β”‚ collect_securities         β”‚ {0-7}      β”‚
β”‚ horton-__assignor-__leader β”‚ {0}        β”‚


partition set. , , , - (8, topic_partitions - ), ( partitions) . 8 , , .

, :

> faust -A horton.agents send @collect_securities
{"topic": "collect_securities", "partition": 6, "topic_partition": ["collect_securities", 6], "offset": 0, "timestamp": ..., "timestamp_type": 0}

P.S. @ , "collect_securities".

, 6 - , kafdrop localhost:9000

, , loguru:

2020-09-23 00:26:37.304 | INFO     | horton.agents:collect_securities:40 - Start collect securities

, mongo ( Robo3T Studio3T) , :

, , .

- :)

, !

, , 1/3 , , , .

, , :

collect_security_overview_topic = app.topic("collect_security_overview", internal=True)

async def collect_security_overview(
    stream: StreamT[?],
) -> AsyncIterable[bool]:
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async for event in stream:

security, (symbol) . faust Records - , .

records.py , :

import faust

class CollectSecurityOverview(faust.Record):
    symbol: str
    exchange: str

, faust python, , - 3.6.

, :

collect_security_overview_topic = app.topic(
    "collect_security_overview", internal=True, value_type=CollectSecurityOverview

async def collect_security_overview(
    stream: StreamT[CollectSecurityOverview],
) -> AsyncIterable[bool]:
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async for event in stream:
                "Start collect security [{symbol}] overview", symbol=event.symbol

            client = AlphaVantageClient(session, API_KEY)

            security_overview = await client.get_security_overview(event.symbol)

            await SecurityCRUD.update_one({"symbol": event.symbol, "exchange": event.exchange}, security_overview)

            yield True

, - value_type. , , - .

, - collect_securitites :

for security in securities:
    await SecurityCRUD.update_one({
            "symbol": security["symbol"],
            "exchange": security["exchange"]
        upsert = True,

    await collect_security_overview.cast(
        CollectSecurityOverview(symbol = security["symbol"], exchange = security["exchange"])

. , .cast, , , :

  1. cast - , . .

  2. send - , . .

  3. ask - . .

, !

, - . , faust - click. faust -A

agents.py app.command, cast collect_securitites:

async def start_collect_securities():
    """Collect securities and overview."""

    await collect_securities.cast()

, , :

> faust -A horton.agents --help

  agents                    List agents.
  clean-versions            Delete old version directories.
  completion                Output shell completion to be evaluated by the...
  livecheck                 Manage LiveCheck instances.
  model                     Show model detail.
  models                    List all available models as a tabulated list.
  reset                     Delete local table state.
  send                      Send message to agent/topic.
  start-collect-securities  Collect securities and overview.
  tables                    List available tables.
  worker                    Start worker instance for given app.

, , faust :

> faust -A horton.agents start-collect-securities


, , , sink cron- .

! :)

Le code de cette partie

PS Dans la derniΓ¨re partie, j'ai Γ©tΓ© interrogΓ© sur la faust et la kafka confluente ( qui comporte confluent a ). Confluent semble Γͺtre beaucoup plus fonctionnel, mais le fait est que faust n'a pas de support client complet pour confluent - cela dΓ©coule de la description des restrictions client dans le dock .

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