Mon projet de verrouillage Covid-19, ou comment je suis entré dans un UICollectionViewLayout personnalisé et ai obtenu un ChatLayout


Oui oui. Je comprends que nous sommes en 2020, que tous les développeurs IOS hardcore écrivent exclusivement dans SwiftUIet Combine, et écrivent des articles sur UIKitquelque chose comme «pas de glace». Cependant, 2020 s'est avérée différente de toutes les années précédentes. Pas du tout comme ça.

, , . SwiftUI Combine , , , , , , , . WebSummit, , .

MessageKit UI . MessageKit — swift , , JSQMessagesViewController. JSQMessagesViewController 5 . , , UIKit , , , swift- . , UI JSQMessagesViewController. 2020-.

MessageKit 2020-. JSQMessagesViewController Objective-C Swift IOS 2009 . , .

, issues, , , — .

UIScrollView , , “” . 99% , , . “” (contentOffset) .

. - UICollectionViewFlowLayout. ?

, UICollectionViewLayout UICollectionViewFlowLayout, MessageKit Auto-Layout . , UICollectionViewFlowLayout .

. UICollectionViewLayout . . UICollectionViewLayout.


, ,

. UICollectionViewLayout . . .

, , , , , , . 4 .

UICollectionViewLayout 2 :

initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem(at itemIndexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?

finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem(at itemIndexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes?

initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem

initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem :

When your app inserts new items into the collection view, the collection view calls this method for each item you insert. Because new items are not yet visible in the collection view, the attributes you return represent the item’s starting state. For example, you might return attributes that position the item offscreen or set its initial alpha to 0. The collection view uses the attributes you return as the starting point for any animations. (The end point of the animation is the item’s new location and attributes.) If you return nil, the layout uses the item’s final attributes for both the start point and end point of the animation.

The default implementation of this method returns nil. Subclasses are expected to override this method, as needed, and provide any initial attributes.

, , , . finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem . ,

If you return nil, the layout uses the item’s final attributes for both the start point and end point of the animation.


. . , c itemIndexPath? 0. 0 — 1? ? 0 0 2?

, , , . : , , . , IOS 12 IOS 13 . . .

UICollectionViewFlowLayout , ChatLayout, , , , .

UICollectionViewFlowLayout , .

, . / UICollectionViewFlowLayout private API … Apple UIKit. , . , , , . , / UICollectionViewFlowLayout. .


AutoLayout. . ? ? , ? - -?

UICollectionViewLayout . . , . UICollectionViewFlowLayout , prepare , . , AutoLayout .

, : airbnb/MagazineLayout. . . , initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem /finalLayoutAttributesForDisappearingItem , AirBnB.

. , " " — ! , .

: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes, , initialLayoutAttributesForAppearingItem, invalidationContext(forPreferredLayoutAttributes:, withOriginalAttributes originalAttributes:) frame UICollectionView KVO (Key-Value-Observing) . preferredAttributes, originalAttributes. . .

, , . UIScrollView , , , , , .

, . adjustedContextInsets, , .

, UICollectionViewLayout. , . UICollectionViewLayout targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint) -> CGPoint , UICollectionView : , , , contentOffset , — .

, , , , . , UICollectionViewLayoutInvalidationContext contentOffsetAdjustment, . 2 , proposedContentOffset — , , finalizeCollectionViewUpdates. .

, , AutoLayout . UICollectionView (contentSize) contentOffsetAdjustment , , : contentSizeAdjustment , contentOffset . .


private API

, , . . , , rdar://40926834: Self Sizing + Prefetching Bugs AirBnB. , .

rdar://46865293: Cell's autoresizing mask breaks self-sizing. layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? , .

, MagazineLayout UICollectionViewFlowLayout _prepareForCollectionViewUpdates:withDataSourceTranslator: prepareForCollectionViewUpdates. Apple, UIKit. : — UICollectionView prepareForCollectionViewUpdates. .

IOS , UICollectionView .. .. — .

, , . , . , , UIKit . .

, UICollectionView + UICollectionViewLayout . , , — . contentInset, , , — . — . — . ? UICollectionViewFlowLayoutUICollectionView + UICollectionViewLayout , , " ". , -, , : — / ..


, , . MessageKit ChatLayout. , MessageKit . .

UIViewController . — . , , . , , / master.

MessageKit. . . Jira .



, , , preview, . , , - , , , , . .

, . .. . : -. . RouteComposer. , , 2 open-source . , , .

, .

ChatLayout — UI . , UICollectionViewLayout, , . , Extras UIView, , , - .

  • (UICollectionViewCell) UIView (UICollectionReusableView).
  • /// .
  • contentOffset UICollectionView .
  • .
  • UIView-, .

(, -, )

ChatLayout UICollectionViewLayout, :

  • UIViewController UICollectionView. . ,
  • UICollectionViewCell . , .
  • . ChatLayout . , , . , — .
  • . . UICollectionViewDataSource . - DifferenceKit, .
  • ChatLayout . . — contentInsets UICollectionView.
  • ChatLayout . - InputBarAccessoryView ( , MessageKit). .

. . .

Oh oui. GIF. (Attention pour les épileptiques)

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