Poursuivant l'un des sujets abordés dans la publication d'Alexander Ershov ( Ustas ) "Neural network visual search" , je propose aux lecteurs de Habr de plonger dans le monde de N.M. Amosova, ellei -models, M-nets et automates. J'espère qu'ils sont les candidats les plus probables pour le rôle de la «solution miracle» qui permettra aux passionnés d '«intelligence forte» ou, dans une autre terminologie, d' «intelligence artificielle» de se rapprocher des modalités de sa mise en œuvre.
() . « . », .. : A.M. , .. .. . , , « », , , , , , , — ( ) — « », .
, , « », .. — ...
, , , . – .
, (1973), , : , , . . — . , .. — , ( , , ). [3] (. , .. .. ). , , .. , , 1990-. , , , , , , « » . , . , , .. . , , .. , , , .
1. , . , , . , .. .
2. .. «M- ». , .
3. «» «» [3]. «» — [3].
4. . , .. . , , — .
5. - . :
– .
- ( ), – ( ).
, -.
5. ( ) , .
6. :
– .. ;
– .. ( ), ;
– «» «» — , «» .
1. .
2. : , , .
3. , — , , .
4. — , , .
5. , , .
6. () , , .
, , , . .
7. , , . , «» «» , .
8. , ( , ), . , . - , .
9. .
10. ( ) .
11. , — « ».
12. ( ) - . .
13. .
14. . . , — . . , .
15. — (arousal, ). . , , , .
, , — .
16. , - , .
17. , — . , .
18. . , ( ) .
19. , , .
20. , .
21. — , .
22. , .
23. , - (). — .
24. ( ) . . , (), . , , , .
25. :
– ,
– (),
– , (),
– — , ().
« , , , » [3, . 57].
26. , , . ( ), . , «» .
27. , , , , .
28. , . , . , , , () .
29. , , , . () . , .
30. , - -. , , .. , . , , , , .
31. , :
– – ;
– ;
– .
32. , , , . , , .
, , — .
, .
— , . . . , , .
1. , , , -.
2. - , , i-.
3. i- .
4. i- , . - , .
5. - , , .
6. i- , , , .
6.1. i- , .
6.2. i- . i- , .
6.2.1. i- .
6.2.2. i- , Π, . j- i- t Πtj.
6.2.3. i- , i- .
7. i- , , . :
7.1. i - i- j i-.
7.2. i- , .
7.3. i- .
7.4. R, , , , .
, i- j i- i, t Rtij.
8. i- : -, , i- , , - — , i- .
9. Rtij Rtij=⟨rij,˜rij,r(0)ij~,r(0)ij⟩, rij,˜rij — , r(0)ij,˜r(0)ij — .
10. , Rtij, , , , i- i. rij,˜rij. , rij≫˜rij Rtij, — .
10.1. Rtij=0 Rtij, .. ⟨0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0⟩.
10.2. , i-:
Δt — -. i- . , - — -, . Δt. Δt .
10.3. t , Rtij=0. Rt−1ij=0 Rtij>0, , t Rtij. , . (2) , ,
(3) .
10.4. , . Rtij , t0 Rtij≠0 Πi=0 Πj=0.
(4) (4) , rtij ˜rtij, , .
, rt(0)ij ˜rt(0)ij . , . , t0, Rtij (« »). rtij ˜rtij rt(0)ij ˜rt(0)ij, , (1) , Rtij (5) (5), .. (« »).
10.5. Ei (˜Ei) i- i rtij (˜rtij) i- j- i- Πj. i- i- (Ei) (˜Ei) :
11. i-.
11.1. i- , i- . i-, . i- .
11.2. i- i- . — i- θti, Eti i- i- t. — . — (Kti), ˜Eti, (Kti). Kti θti , Kti.
11.3. , i- , :
11.4. , i- :
(8) i- « » i-.
11.4. , i- i- :
11.5. Kti θti i-:
(10) (10) , . , i-, , , («»). i- . i- , (10) (10) («»).
12. - i- .
12.1. - , , , , .
12.2. - :
– i- ;
– i- ;
– C ;
– i- ;
– J i-.
— - .
12.3. - , . i- . , i- «» .
12.4. - i-, , i-. -. , i-, . , .. i-, .
- , , - i- - .
, -, , . , - i-, . - i-, , . (.. ) i- . i- .
t−1 i- . (6), i- . , (7) i- , (8) — , «», t−1 t. , , (9) i- t, . , i- t , (6-9) :
i- -, i-, -. - .
i- , t. , i- (). , t+1, t+2, ... , -.
i- . ( , ) i- -. i-, , — - .
, - i-. . .. , .
- i-, - . i- , . : i- «» () «» (). - i- , , Δt=Πt−Πt.
, Δt, .
.. .. [5, 6]. , . . .
, - . Δ -, .
- :
1. «» i- (10) θ K. , i-.
2. «» i- (2) (4) (5) -.
3. - (2) , .. , i-. , .
4. - i-, , i- . i- . , , i-. . .
. i- -. i- (2) . , , «», .. i- i-, , i-, .
i- , i- . - . i- . - , (. ).
Selon les auteurs, les processus d'auto-apprentissage et d'auto-organisation peuvent conduire à l'éducation je- modèles de "deuxième couche", c'est-à-dire ensembles de l'originalje-modèles, qui, à leur tour, peuvent former des ensembles de la "troisième couche", etc. Les ensembles de ce type peuvent être considérés comme de nouveaux éléments fonctionnels du réseau M, et le processus de leur formation - comme le processus de formation de nouveaux concepts complexes sur la base de ceux déjà disponibles.
Figure 1. Un objet et sa réflexion dans des modèles de différents niveaux de généralisation. «Entrées» et «Sorties»: En - énergie; B - substance. Reproduit Fig. 12 de [4].
Les processus décrits dans cl. 1 et 2, les auteurs appellent les processus d' auto-apprentissage , et les processus décrits à la p. 3 et 4, appelés les processus d' auto-organisation du réseau M.
Définition formelle d'un M-net
Les caractéristiques précédemment introduites des éléments du réseau M (je- ) :
– ;
– ;
– .
, (11). (6)-(9).
(3)-(5), i-.
(2) -.
-. - μ :
P — i-; S — i-; R — ; L — ; F — ; C — ; I — i-.
– ()
- i- . i- . i- , – . i-, ( ), , - i- -. , i-, -, - . . - « », « » i-: - «» «» «» i- (- i- ).
, i-modèles - dans ce cas, la probabilité d'une rétroaction positive dans l'automate M est élevée: cela conduira à une situation de croissance illimitée (exponentielle) de l'excitation d'un tel cluster je-des modèles. Rétroaction positive entreje-les modèles sont également possibles lorsqu'ils "rapprochent" de l'environnement extérieur: un analogue naturel de cela peut être l'apparition des soi-disant " cercles de fourmis de la mort " ou mouvement circulaire dans les chenilles d'un ver à soie en marche (une situation similaire peut se produire non seulement dans le monde des insectes - voir, par exemple, cercles en béliers , malheureusement, dans des situations plus complexes, un tel «tourner en rond» se retrouve dans la population humaine).
Cercle de fourmis de la mort
Mouvement circulaire des chenilles de vers à soie en marche
i- ( ).
, i- ( -). .
1. – ˜r – i-, ;
2. i- ( ) – θ;
3. i- ( ) – .. , (. . 11.4 – (9));
4. () – K (. . 11.3 – (8)).
… ( ), () .
, « » i- ( « ») – -
, , .
« »! - . i- ( ).
« » , .
- .. ( , .. - « ») , , . « »:
. , «» «» (), , «», – . , . – .
… . - , – – . , . , . . , , ( ), . , , . , , , () . – – , – .
.. ([2], . 49-51)
, .. (i-) – - (), ( -) i- i-.
- ( [9]):
- ( 6() [9])
( 6() [9]: ). () « »
( ) :
1. () i- ;
2. i-;
3. , ;
4. « » ;
5. « » i-.
[9, . 379]:
, [109, 110], . «» , . , , «», , .
(. 6) « », . ( ), , . . – , . , – [111-114].
[62, 89, 115] , – , .
(. [9, . 381]):
(., . [127]) . , .Figure 2. «Arbre hétéroclinique» dans l'espace de phase multidimensionnel d'un système dynamique décrivant l'activité parallèle et séquentielle d'un grand nombre de modes d'interaction impliqués dans la performance d'une certaine fonction cognitive (un état représentant une décision finale ou une stratégie de comportement développée est marqué d'un disque lumineux). Figure: 9 à partir de l'avis [9]
9 . , , , , , . - , , . , , [128] .
Un tel mécanisme de haut niveau permet non seulement de contenir la croissance incontrôlée de l'excitation de certains groupes je-modèles, mais aussi, si nécessaire, briser les «cercles vicieux» de transmission d'activité au sein d'un certain ensemble d'ensembles je-des modèles.
Propriétés de base
1. Dans le concept, le rôle du SDT est d'organiser les rétroactions positives et négatives locales dans les processus de traitement de l'information dans le réseau M. Cela garantit à chaque intervalle de temps la domination du programme de traitement de l'information, qui est le plus important en termes d'adaptation, sur les autres programmes se développant en parallèle dans le réseau M.
2. Le SDT fonctionne comme suit:
2.1. Laissez un M-net être donné.
2.2. Dans le processus de traitement de l'excitation de l'informationje- les modèles de réseau évoluent. La quantité d'excitation de chacunje-modèle indique indirectement "l'importance", ou la valeur des informations qui y sont enregistrées.
Le schéma d'interaction du SDS avec d'autres éléments du réseau M est illustré dans la figure suivante.
Figure 3. Schéma de SDS. S - SUT; F - renforcement du modèle principal; B - freiner le reste; je1 et je2 - modèles à étages de la signification du monde environnant; UNE1, UNE2 - modèles à étages d'actions dirigées vers l'extérieur; C1,C2 - modèles de programmes de conscience; e, F- modèles de sentiments et d'émotions. Reproduit Fig. 19 du travail [2].
2.3. On suppose que l'attribution à chaque instant du plus excitéje-modèle et le renforcement de son influence sur le déroulement général du traitement de l'information augmenteront l'efficacité du réseau. C'est exactement ce que résout le SDT.
2.4. Travail SUT:
2.4.1. SDT à chaque instant choisit le plus excitéje-modèle, augmente en outre son excitation et réduit l'excitabilité du reste je-modèles (les ralentit). Si à un moment donné, la même excitation maximale an je-modèles, alors l'excitation supplémentaire du SDT pour chacun d'eux sera n temps réduit.
2.4.2. Pour chaque "actif"je-le modèle nécessite un frein "twin" (complémentaire je-), i-. . , ().
2.4.3. i-. i- , -.
2.4.4. i- . , i- . , , , i-, , , , . , «» , i-. , -, « » i- .
2.4.5. i-. . i-. , - ( i- ). , , -.
2.4.6. «» , ( , i- ).
2.4.7. , i- . i- : i-, , i-. , , , () . .
3. , , , -. , i- . i-, .
, , :
Figure 4. Organigramme d'une SDS hiérarchique. Trois champs de modèles "fonctionnels" ainsi que des neurones du premier (je) et le deuxième (II) étages du SDT avec leur amplification (Avoir) et frein (T) éléments. Reproduit Fig. 20 du travail [2].
3.1. Laissez toutje- les modèles de réseau sont classiquement combinés en plusieurs groupes qui ne se chevauchent pas pour une raison quelconque. Ce sont des groupes du premier niveau (le plus bas). Ces groupes peuvent à leur tour être combinés en groupes de deuxième niveau plus grands, ces derniers en groupes de troisième niveau, etc. Le groupe de niveau supérieur comprend tous les groupes du précédent et donc tousje- modèles de réseau. Le nombre total de niveaux d'une telle "pyramide" dans chaque cas spécifique peut être déterminé en fonction de la complexité du réseau M et de la complexité des tâches pour lesquelles l'automate est en cours de construction.
Les figures suivantes montrent les schémas d'organisation d'un SDT hiérarchique et le principe de son interaction avec les niveaux. je-modèles du réseau M.
3.2. À chacun de ces groupesje-modèles, l'un des sous-systèmes SDT est associé: dans le réseau M, autant de sous-systèmes SDT fonctionnent simultanément qu'il y a des groupes de niveaux différents.
Figure 5. Schéma d'interaction d'un SDT hiérarchique avec des niveaux je-modèles du réseau M. UNE, B - zones "de travail" du cortex avec des modèles a - a - a,b - b - b,c - c - c,d - d - d...
Modèle le plus excité a - a - a dans la zone UNE, dans la zone B modèle c - c - c moins inhibé que d - d - d...
Élément N DEAvoirT-je renforcé, élément M inhibé de DEAvoirT-jeje; T - freinage; Avoir - Gain.
Reproduit Fig. 21 du travail [2].
3.3. Comme l'une des options possibles pour la mise en œuvre peut fournir une trace. algorithme de travail:
3.3.1. les sous-systèmes du SDT d'un niveau (les niveaux des sous-systèmes seront alloués en fonction des niveaux des groupes sur lesquels ils travaillent) comparent les excitations, amplifient les sélectionnés et inhibent le resteje-modèles uniquement au sein de leurs groupes. Les sous-systèmes du SDT du niveau suivant, chacun au sein de son propre groupe, comparent les excitations déjà moyennes des groupesje-modèles du niveau inférieur.
Figure 6. Exemple de relation je-modèles du réseau M. UNE - modèle au dernier étage; a, b, c - modèles de plancher inférieur; 1,2,......... - modèles adjacents; ré - modèle-antagoniste; T - freinage; K - modèles de qualité; H1,H2- modèles de sentiments. Les lignes pointillées indiquent les trajectoires de freinage. Reproduit Fig. 22 du travail [2].
3.3.2. Le gain n'est pas appliqué à un seulje-modèles, mais à tous je-modèles du groupe actuellement attribué; je- les modèles d'autres groupes du même niveau sont freinés proportionnellement.
3.4. i-, , i- .
3.5. , -.
, , : « - i- , i-, «», , . , , , . i-, . , «» i- . i-, «» » [3].
, , i- , . — i-.
1. , i-, i-, « » : i-, , . : i-.
2. , i-, : «». — « ». «» : , «» , , — « », .
- . : « , , ( ), - «-» , ..» [3].
3. i- , - , «» . « ».
4. i-, , — , , — , . . , , « » . i- , - «» , «», .
5. i- :
– i-, .
– i-. -, , «» «» .
– () , , , .
1. i-, . -. , i- «» i-, , . , , i- . i-.
2. -:
2.1. i- , .. , i- , i- — . — , i- . , i-, , «» i-. , , .
2.2. i- . i-. «» () , . , , , , .
2.3. i- — , . i- - i-. «» .
2.4. - : i- — «» . i- i- . «» , .. , «» , - .
2.5. Lors de l'établissement de liens entreje-modèles de divers ensembles dont la résistance (perméabilité) dépend de la fréquence des excitations articulaires incluses dans l'ensemble je-modèles, l'état des centres intégraux pour l'évaluation de Pr et NPr et quelques autres facteurs, fortement liés je-les modèles ont une plus grande probabilité de sélection cohérente par le système de freinage accéléré par rapport au reste je- modèles de réseau. En conséquence, lors de l'attribution de SDTje-modèle appartenant à l'un des deux ensembles fortement connectés, il y a une forte probabilité qu'après quelques instants, le SDT passe à l'un des je-modèles du deuxième ensemble.
Figure 7. Version possible (et non définitive) du diagramme de classes pour les éléments individuels et leurs relations dans le concept de N.. Amosov.
3. Modifications de l'excitation je- , — . , .
4. - , . i-. , , «» , i- .
, (12), - μ. (12) -. - t t+1.
1) une unité de recalcul qui exécute des opérations conformément à la formule de recalcul (11); dans ce bloc, les excitations de tousje-modèles du réseau M en ce moment t+1;
2) un bloc d'entraînement, dans lequel, conformément aux caractéristiques de l'entraînement, de nouvelles valeurs de la passabilité des connexions et des paramètres d'excitation sont déterminées je-des modèles;
3) bloc de réseau M complémentaire ou "croissance"; ici, conformément aux caractéristiques de l'auto-organisation, de nouveaux liens s'établissent entreje-des modèles et une excitation "spontanée" des éléments de réserve sont formés;
4) bloc de SDS, dans lequel sont effectuées des opérations qui mettent en œuvre l'algorithme de fonctionnement du système d'amplification-freinage;
5) ; (., , , , .).
- . . , , -. , , - . , A -.
- ⟨μ,A⟩: - μ et comprend un algorithme pour son fonctionnement UNE... En général, le travail de l'automate M peut être représenté comme suit:
Figure 8. Schéma fonctionnel de l'algorithme de fonctionnement de l'automate M. Reproduit fig. 5 du travail [3].
Si M-net μest donné sous la forme (12), un tel M-automate est complet .
Il est possible de construire des M-automates, dans lesquels toutes les fonctions du M-net ne sont pas réalisées.
Les M-automates à auto-apprentissage se distinguent en fonction de l'exhaustivité de la tâche M-network:
et les M-automates non d'apprentissage;
signe ∅ indique que l'élément correspondant n'est pas entré.
Algorithme ET dans le cas d'un automate M auto-apprenant ne contient pas de bloc F ou un groupe de caractéristiques d'auto-organisation, et dans le cas d'un non-apprenant - blocs F et L - groupes de caractéristiques d'auto-apprentissage.
( ) ( ) (, ) . -. - .
- -, .
1. - (-) i-.
2. i- i- , . i- i- () -.
, . - :
1. , (: ) .
2. . 1 -. -, .
3. , .
4. « » -, .. .
5. «» .
6. . 3 , . i-.
7. . 3 i-.
8. , i- . . , , .
9. ( ) . .. 6-8 , , .. . 3.
, .. 7 8 . , , , .
10. -.
11. A.
12. - .
Start by doing what's necessary then do what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
, . , . , .
, .. . - - - . . .
, 6.
{$REGION ' '}
TConnection = class;
TConnections = class;
TRelation = class;
TRelations = class;
// i-
TOutputs = class;
// i-
TInputs = class;
// i-
TModel = class;
// i-
TModels = class;
// i–:
TQualia = class;
TPercept = class;
// -
TEffector = class;
// -, i- ()
TModelGroup = class;
// -
TActivateInhibiteSystem = class;
// -
TAutomate = class;
TPlatform = class;
, , . .
.. – TRelation
– :
property CurrActivateCoeff: double read GetCurrActivateCoeff write SetCurrActivateCoeff;
– :
property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff;
– :
property CurrInhibitCoeff: double read GetCurrInhibitCoeff write SetCurrInhibitCoeff;
– :
property ResidualInhibitCoeff: double read GetResidualInhibitCoeff write SetResidualInhibitCoeff;
i- :
TRelation = class(..............)
FModelSource: TModel; // -
FModelTarget: TModel; //
FConnection: TConnection; // , .
FSourceId: int64; // -
FTargetId: int64; //
FCurrActivateCoeff: double;
FResidualActivateCoeff: double;
FCurrInhibitCoeff: double;
FResidualInhibitCoeff: double;
, (), , : .
, , , i-. , , , TRelation , , i- . , i-.
, CRUD-, .
, .
.. , :
1. (2):
procedure Defrosting(ACoModel: TModel; const AQuality: double); overload; virtual;
2. (3):
procedure Setting(ACoModel: TModel; const AQuality: double); overload; virtual;
3. (4):
procedure AttenuationCurrActivation(); overload; virtual;
4. (4):
procedure DampingCurrentInhibit(); overload; virtual;
5. (5):
procedure AttenuationResidualActivation(); overload; virtual;
6. (5):
procedure AttenuationResidualInhibit(); overload; virtual;
7. (6):
function Activation(): double; overload; virtual;
8. (6):
function Inhibition(): double; overload; virtual;
, .
TRelation = class(..............)
// (2):
procedure Defrosting(ACoModel: TModel; const AQuality: double); overload; virtual;
// (3):
procedure Setting(ACoModel: TModel; const AQuality: double); overload; virtual;
// (4):
procedure AttenuationCurrActivation(); overload; virtual;
// (4):
procedure DampingCurrentInhibit(); overload; virtual;
// (5):
procedure AttenuationResidualActivation(); overload; virtual;
// (5):
procedure AttenuationResidualInhibit(); overload; virtual;
// (6):
function Activation(): double; overload; virtual;
// (6):
function Inhibition(): double; overload; virtual;
, .
– (6) – Activation(…),
– (6) – Inhibition(…)
TModel, TRelation.
1. . TRelation , . , .
2. -, .
3. Activation(…) Inhibition(…) .
4. 7 8:
function TRelation.Activation(): double;
Result := ResidualActivateCoeff + (System.Math.Max(CurrActivateCoeff, 0.0) * FModelSource.Arousal);
function TRelation.Inhibition(): double;
Result := ResidualInhibitCoeff + (System.Math.Max(CurrInhibitCoeff, 0.0) * FModelSource.Arousal);
: () () -.
- -.
1. / ( XML) TConnection – :
TConnection = class
FOwner: TConnections;
FSourceId: int64;
FTargetId: int64;
FCurrActivateCoeff: double;
FResidualActivateCoeff: double;
FCurrInhibitCoeff: double;
FResidualInhibitCoeff: double;
function Equals(AObject: TObject): boolean; overload; override;
function IsDefrosting(): boolean; overload; virtual;
property SourceId: int64 read GetSourceId write SetSourceId;
property TargetId: int64 read GetTargetId write SetTargetId;
// .
property CurrActivateCoeff: double read GetCurrActivateCoeff write SetCurrActivateCoeff;
// .
property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff;
// .
property CurrInhibitCoeff: double read GetCurrInhibitCoeff write SetCurrInhibitCoeff;
// .
property ResidualInhibitCoeff: double read GetResidualInhibitCoeff write SetResidualInhibitCoeff;
2. , TConnection , - (-) – - /.
3. TConnection TRelation: . , TRelation. , Owner – . TRelation TConnection : , , TRelation - , TConnection. : TConnection, TRelation . , - : - / i-. , – .
4. Equals ( , ):
function TConnection.Equals(AObject: TObject): boolean;
if (SourceId <> TConnection(AObject).SourceId) then exit(false);
Result := (TargetId = TConnection(AObject).TargetId);
5. , TConnection
constructor Create(); overload; virtual;
constructor Create(const ASourceId, ATargetId: int64;
const AResidualActivateCoeff: double = 0.0;
const AResidualInhibitCoeff: double = 0.0;
const ACurrActivateCoeff: double = 0.0;
const ACurrInhibitCoeff: double = 0.0); overload; virtual;
// .
constructor Create(const ASourceConnection: TConnection); overload; virtual;
6. - IsDefrosting(): boolean – , :
function TConnection.IsDefrosting(): boolean;
if (FCurrActivateCoeff <> 0.0) then exit(true);
if (FResidualActivateCoeff <> 0.0) then exit(true);
if (FCurrInhibitCoeff <> 0.0) then exit(true);
if (FResidualInhibitCoeff <> 0.0) then exit(true);
TRelation .
, , :
1. i- TModel : ;
2. - -;
3. TRelation TConnection.
4. , TRelation , -, -, :
TRelation = class(..............)
FModelSource: TModel;
FModelTarget: TModel;
FConnection: TConnection;
property Connection: TConnection read GetConnection write SetConnection;
property ModelSource: TModel read GetModelSource write SetModelSource;
property ModelTarget: TModel read GetModelTarget write SetModelTarget;
property SourceId: int64 read GetSourceId write SetSourceId;
property TargetId: int64 read GetTargetId write SetTargetId;
property SourceName: string read GetSourceName write SetSourceName;
property TargetName: string read GetTargetName write SetTargetName;
5. TRelation :
– — ;
– i-;
– ;
– -;
– () .
// .
constructor Create(); overload; virtual;
// i-.
constructor Create(const ASourceId, ATargetId: int64); overload; virtual;
// - ( ).
constructor Create(const ASourceId: int64; ATarget: TModel); overload; virtual;
// ( -).
constructor Create(ASource: TModel; const ATargetId: int64); overload; virtual;
// - .
constructor Create(ASource, ATarget: TModel; AConnection: TConnection); overload; virtual;
6. TRelation :
destructor TRelation.Destroy();
// "" .
FResidualInhibitCoeff := -1.0;
FCurrInhibitCoeff := -1.0;
FResidualActivateCoeff := -1.0;
FCurrActivateCoeff := -1.0;
// "" .
FTargetId := -1;
FSourceId := -1;
// .
if (Assigned(FModelSource.Outputs)) then
// .
if (Assigned(FModelTarget.Inputs)) then
// . .
if (Assigned(FConnection.Owner)) then
inherited Destroy();
, i-.
TConnections = class(TVector<TConnection>)
FOwner: TAutomate;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TAutomate); overload; virtual;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function Add(const AValue: TConnection): int64; overload; override;
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TConnection): int64; overload; override;
TConnectionsClass = class of TConnections;
, TVector<T> TList<T>.
1. -. , , i- -, -. / -.
2. – .
3. -:
TConnectionComparer = class(TComparer<TConnection>)
function Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean; overload; override;
function LessThan(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean; overload; override;
function GreaterThan(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean; overload; override;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
destructor Destroy(); override;
TConnectionComparerClass = class of TConnectionComparer;
TConnectionComparer ,
function TConnectionComparer.Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean;
if (ALeft.SourceId <> ARight.SourceId) then exit(false);
Result := (ALeft.TargetId = ARight.TargetId);
function TConnectionComparer.LessThan(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean;
if (ALeft.SourceId < ARight.SourceId) then exit(true);
if (ALeft.SourceId > ARight.SourceId) then exit(false);
Result := (ALeft.TargetId < ARight.TargetId);
function TConnectionComparer.GreaterThan(const ALeft, ARight: TConnection): boolean;
if (ALeft.SourceId > ARight.SourceId) then exit(true);
if (ALeft.SourceId < ARight.SourceId) then exit(false);
Result := (ALeft.TargetId > ARight.TargetId);
4. Add .
5. Insert , Owner : .
6. :
constructor TConnections.Create();
inherited Create(TConnectionComparer.Create()); // -.
FreeObjects := true;
Sorted := true;
Unique := true;
ClassUnique := dupError;
FOwner := nil;
, — TRelations – (TInputs) (TOutputs).
— TRelations:
TRelations = class(TVector<TRelation>)
FOwner: TModel;
function GetOwner(): TModel; overload; virtual;
procedure SetOwner(const AValue: TModel); overload; virtual;
function TryInnerInsert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation; out AOutIndex: int64): boolean; overload; virtual;
function Add(const AValue: int64): int64; overload; virtual;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TModel); overload; virtual;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function Add(const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
property Owner: TModel read GetOwner write SetOwner;
1. :
– ;
– ;
– CRUD-.
2. TRelations :
2.1. i- ( )
function Add(const AValue: int64): int64; overload; virtual;
( ) (-). TOutputs TInputs.
2.2. ( ) i-
function Add(const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
, .
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
, , , .
function TRelations.Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation): int64;
AConnection: TConnection;
// TryInnerInsert !
if (TryInnerInsert(AIndex, AValue, Result)) then exit;
Result := inherited Insert(AIndex, AValue);
if (Result < 0) then exit;
if (not Assigned(AValue.Connection)) then
Result := -1;
2.4. TryInnerInsert
function TryInnerInsert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation; out AOutIndex: int64): boolean; overload; virtual;
– , – ;
– ,
– ;
– .
TryInnerInsert . , . , .
function TRelations.TryInnerInsert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation; out AOutIndex: int64): boolean;
AIndexOf: integer;
AOutIndex := AIndex;
Result := false;
if (Assigned(AValue.ModelSource) and Assigned(AValue.ModelTarget)) then exit;
// - !
if (Self is TInputs) then
if ((AValue.TargetId >= 0) and (AValue.TargetId <> Owner.ObjectID)) then
// ! !
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorUnknowIds,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId, Owner.ObjectID, Self.ClassName]);
// !
if (AValue.SourceId < 0) then
// !
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorUnknowIds,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId, Owner.ObjectID, Self.ClassName]);
// SourceId TargetId!
// !
for AIndexOf := 0 to Self.Count - 1 do
if (this[AIndex].SourceId <> AValue.SourceId) then continue;
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorNotUniqueRelation,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId, Owner.ObjectID, Self.ClassName]);
if (AValue.TargetId < 0) then
AValue.TargetId := Owner.ObjectID;
// - -.
if (not Assigned(AValue.ModelSource)) then
AValue.ModelSource := Owner.Automate.FindById(AValue.SourceId);
if (not Assigned(AValue.ModelTarget)) then
AValue.ModelTarget := Owner;
if (Self is TOutputs) then
if ((AValue.SourceId >= 0) and (AValue.SourceId <> Owner.ObjectID)) then
// ! !
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorUnknowIds,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId, Owner.ObjectID, Self.ClassName]);
// !
if (AValue.TargetId < 0) then
// ... !
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorUnknowIds,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId, Owner.ObjectID, Self.ClassName]);
// SourceId TargetId!
// !
for AIndexOf := 0 to Self.Count - 1 do
if (this[AIndex].TargetId <> AValue.TargetId) then continue;
raise Exception.CreateFmt(RSErrorNotUniqueRelation,[AValue.SourceId,AValue.TargetId]);
if (AValue.SourceId < 0) then
AValue.SourceId := Owner.ObjectID;
// - -.
if (not Assigned(AValue.ModelSource)) then
AValue.ModelSource := Owner;
if (not Assigned(AValue.ModelTarget)) then
AValue.ModelTarget := Owner.Automate.FindById(AValue.TargetId);
AOutIndex := AValue.ModelSource.Outputs.Insert(AIndex, AValue);
AOutIndex := AValue.ModelTarget.Inputs.Insert(AIndex, AValue);
Result := true;
TRelations – : TRelation.
TInputs = class(TRelations)
function Add(const AValue: int64): int64; overload; override;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
TInputsClass = class of TInputs;
TOutputs = class(TRelations)
function Add(const AValue: int64): int64; overload; override;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AValue: TRelation): int64; overload; override;
TOutputsClass = class of TOutputs;
, Add, i-:
function TInputs.Add(const AValue: int64): int64;
Result := Add(TRelation.Create(AValue, Owner));
function TOutputs.Add(const AValue: int64): int64;
Result := Add(TRelation.Create(Owner, AValue));
AValue i-.
i-, .. , :
– (Arousal),
– (Threshold),
– (ResidualActivateCoeff),
– (ActivateCoeff),
– (Inputs).
– (Outputs),
– , , ObjectId (int64).
, TNamedObject. :
– (ObjectId: int64);
– (Name: string);
– (NameShort: string);
– (Code: string).
i- i-:
– – Ativation(…) (9);
– – Inhibit(…) (7);
– – Attenuation(…) (8);
– – Overgrowth(…) (10);
– – Adaptation(…) (10).
, i-
TModel = class(TNamedObject)
// : R (4.2).
function Winding(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual;
// : R_1 (4.3).
function Setting(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual;
// : (4.4, 4.4, 4.5 4.5).
function Attenuation(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual;
// (9).
function Ativation(): double; overload; virtual;
// : (7).
function Inhibit(): double; overload; virtual;
// (8).
function Attenuation(): double; overload; virtual;
// (10).
function Overgrowth(): double; overload; virtual;
// (10).
function Adaptation(): double; overload; virtual;
// - .
property Arousal: double read GetArousal write SetArousal;
// : (4.6).
property ActivateEffect: double read GetActivateEffect write SetActivateEffect;
// : (4.6).
property InhibitEffect: double read GetInhibitEffect write SetInhibitEffect;
// .
property Threshold: double read GetThreshold write SetThreshold;
// .
property ActivateCoeff: double read GetActivateCoeff write SetActivateCoeff;
// () .
property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff;
// - .
property Arousal: double read GetArousal write SetArousal;
// : (4.6).
property ActivateEffect: double read GetActivateEffect write SetActivateEffect;
// : (4.6).
property InhibitEffect: double read GetInhibitEffect write SetInhibitEffect;
// .
property Threshold: double read GetThreshold write SetThreshold;
// .
property ActivateCoeff: double read GetActivateCoeff write SetActivateCoeff;
// () .
property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff;
- , . «» , : 0.0.
i- TModel Exec(…) InternalExec(…). true, i- - .
TModel = class(TNamedObject)
function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; virtual;
function Exec(): boolean; overload; virtual;
InternalExec(…) i- -. false.
TModel = class(TNamedObject)
FAutomate: TAutomate;
FModels: TModels;
FOwner: TModel;
FArousal: double;
FActivateEffect: double;
FInhibitEffect: double;
FThreshold: double;
FActivateCoeff: double;
FResidualActivateCoeff: double;
FOutputs: TOutputs;
FInputs: TInputs;
function GetThis(): TObject; overload; virtual;
procedure SetObjectName(const AValue: TNameObject); overload; override;
procedure SetObjectNameShort(const AValue: TNameShort); overload; override;
procedure SetObjectCode(const AValue: TObjectName); overload; override;
function GetOwner(): TModel; overload; virtual;
procedure SetOwner(const AValue: TModel); overload; virtual;
function GetThreshold(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetThreshold(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetArousal(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetArousal(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetActivateEffect(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetActivateEffect(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetInhibitEffect(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetInhibitEffect(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetActivateCoeff(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetActivateCoeff(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetResidualActivateCoeff(): double; overload; virtual;
procedure SetResidualActivateCoeff(const AValue: double); overload; virtual;
function GetOutputs(): TOutputs; overload; virtual;
procedure SetOutputs(const AValue: TOutputs); overload; virtual;
function GetInputs(): TInputs; overload; virtual;
procedure SetInputs(const AValue: TInputs); overload; virtual;
function GetAutomate(): TAutomate; overload; virtual;
procedure SetAutomate(const AValue: TAutomate); overload; virtual;
function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; virtual;
procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; virtual;
procedure InternalExtract(); overload; virtual;
property Models: TModels read FModels;
// - .
property Arousal: double read GetArousal write SetArousal;
// : (4.6).
property ActivateEffect: double read GetActivateEffect write SetActivateEffect;
// : (4.6).
property InhibitEffect: double read GetInhibitEffect write SetInhibitEffect;
// .
property Threshold: double read GetThreshold write SetThreshold;
// .
property ActivateCoeff: double read GetActivateCoeff write SetActivateCoeff;
// () .
property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff;
class function GetClassInputs(): TInputsClass; overload; virtual;
class function GetClassOutputs(): TOutputsClass; overload; virtual;
function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; virtual;
procedure ChangeArousal(AActivateInhibiteSystem: TActivateInhibiteSystem); overload; virtual;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
constructor Create(const AObjectId: int64; const AName: string; const ANameShort: string = ''; const ACode: string = ''); overload; virtual;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function Exec(): boolean; overload; virtual;
function Perform(): boolean; overload; virtual;
procedure Reset(); overload; virtual;
property Owner: TModel read GetOwner write SetOwner;
property Outputs: TOutputs read GetOutputs write SetOutputs;
property Inputs: TInputs read GetInputs write SetInputs;
property Automate: TAutomate read GetAutomate write SetAutomate;
property Platform: TPlatform read GetPlatform write SetPlatform;
TModelClass = class of TModel;
TModel = class(TNamedObject)
function Connect(ATarget: TModel; AConnection: TConnection): TModel; overload; virtual;
.. i-. i-.
, i-:
TModels = class(TVector<TModel>)
FOwner: TAutomate;
FMapById: TMap<int64, int64>;
FMapByName: TMap<string, int64>;
FIsTerminated: boolean;
function GetOwner(): TAutomate; overload; virtual;
procedure SetOwner(const AValue: TAutomate); overload; virtual;
procedure InnerSetAutomate(const AModel: TModel); overload; virtual;
property Owner: TAutomate read GetOwner;
constructor Create(); overload; override;
constructor Create(const AComparer: JOBLIB.Core.Comparers.IComparer<TModel>); overload; override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TAutomate); overload; virtual;
destructor Destroy(); override;
function GetObjectId(): int64; overload; virtual;
function Add(const AValue: TModel): int64; overload; override;
function Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AModel: TModel): int64; overload; override;
function Extract(const AModel: TModel): TModel; overload; override;
procedure Delete(const AIndex: longint); overload; override;
function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TModel; overload; virtual;
function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TModel; overload; virtual;
procedure Reorder(const AStartIndex: integer); overload; override;
TModelsClass = class of TModels;
- TModels TVector
. - TModels ( : FreeObjects := true false).
procedure TModels.InnerSetAutomate(const AModel: TModel); begin AModel.Automate := Owner; end;
, , .
( Insert):
function TModels.Insert(const AIndex: longint; const AModel: TModel): int64; begin if (AModel.Name.Trim().IsEmpty()) then exit(-1); Result := inherited Insert(AIndex, AModel); if (AModel.ObjectID < 0) then begin AModel.ObjectID := GetObjectId(); end; try if (AModel.ObjectID < 0) then raise Exception.Create(RSErrorIncorrectAutomate); FMapById.Add(AModel.ObjectID, Result); FMapByName.Add(AModel.Name, Result); InnerSetAutomate(AModel); Reorder(AIndex); except Result := -1; end; end;
function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TModel; overload; virtual; function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TModel; overload; virtual;
. :
FMapById: TMap<int64, int64>; FMapByName: TMap<string, int64>;
GUID i-.
function TModels.Extract(const AModel: TModel): TModel; var AIndexOf: int64; AModelGroup: TModelGroup; ASubmodel: TSubmodel; AIndexSubmodelOf: integer; begin Result := inherited Extract(AModel); if (FIsTerminated) then exit; if (Assigned(AModel)) then begin if (FMapById.TryGetValue(AModel.ObjectID, AIndexOf)) then begin FMapById.Remove(AModel.ObjectID); FMapByName.Remove(AModel.Name); Reorder(AIndexOf); end; end; end; procedure TModels.Delete(const AIndex: longint); begin FMapById.Remove(this[AIndex].ObjectID); FMapByName.Remove(this[AIndex].Name); inherited Delete(AIndex); Reorder(AIndex); end;
ObjectId :
function GetObjectId(): int64; overload; virtual;
property Owner: TAutomate read GetOwner;
, - ( ), , - ( – -):
function TModels.GetObjectId(): int64; begin Result := Owner.GetSequence().NextVal(); end;
, - - .
procedure Reorder(const AStartIndex: integer); overload; override;
, i-, i- .
- , i-:
– – i-, – TPercept,
– (qualia) – i-, i- – TQualia,
– – i-, – TEffector.
TModel . TModel , Threshold Arousal ( ):
TQualia = class(TModel) public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; published [XMLAttribute('Threshold')] property Threshold; [XMLAttribute('Arousal')] property Arousal; end;
(TPercept) (TEffector) TQualia:
TPercept = class(TQualia) private FPlatform: TPlatform; protected function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; override; procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; override; protected function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; published property Platform; end;
TEffector = class(TQualia) private FPlatform: TPlatform; protected function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; override; procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; override; protected function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; published property Platform; end;
, Platform, () «» ( ):
private FPlatform: TPlatform; protected function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; override; procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; override; protected .................................. public .................................. public .................................. published property Platform; end;
function Exec(): boolean; overload; override;
«» «» , TPercept:
function TPercept.Exec(): boolean; begin try if (not Assigned(Platform)) then raise Exception.Create(' !'); Result := InternalExec(); except Result := false; end; end;
function TEffector.Exec(): boolean; begin try if (not Assigned(Platform)) then raise Exception.Create(' !'); Result := InternalExec(); except Result := false; end; end;
i- InternalExec(). , , TPercept TEffector.
9« » , i-, .
, i- :
– () – i-, i-
– – i-, - () i-, («» i-), i- (, , - ..). .. , ( [3] : . , ). , (.. i-). . , . .
– (, ) – i- i-. , -, , -;
– (, , , , -, , , - .) – i-, () ( ) .
() i-
, .. i-, i- (), i-, i-, i-. i-: .. , i- , «» ( , ).
«» / :
– TModel;
– TGroupModel;
– TSubmodel, TSubmodels.
TSubmodel :
1. TSubmodel () TModel ();
2. TModel TSubmodel ( : () TModel);
3. -;
4. ;
5. ;
5.1. - ,
5.2. i- () / ,
6. / i- ();
7. .
, :
1. . , ; . 1, 2, 4, 5.1, 5.2 ( ). : 3, 6 7; TModel TInterfacedObject .
2. . .
3. - ( ). . : .
4. - . :
1. TSubmodel, :
– , –Prototype: TModel
– –Refer: int64
– i-; i- –Prev: TSubmodel
Next: TSubmodel
– i- ;
– .OrderId: int64
, .
– (HeadSubmodel: TSubmodel
) i-. , i-;
– -, ;
, .CheckFreeModel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean
-; :
procedure TAutomate.BindSubmodel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel); begin if (not Ready) then exit; if (not Assigned(ASubmodel.Prototype)) then ASubmodel.Prototype := FindById(ASubmodel.Refer); if (not Assigned(ASubmodel.Owner)) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(' . : %d',[ASubmodel.Refer]); ASubmodel.Prototype.HeadSubmodel := ASubmodel; end;
– ( . 8). , ;
– .
( – ) .
4. () - ( - ):
4.1. -.
4.2. : -:Ready = false
4.3. -; BindSubmodel.
– -
– - (. ).
5. :
– ( );
– - ( FreeSubmodel).
– (inherited Delete(…)
– - (FreeSubmodel
) –FreePrototype
5.2. - ( FreeSubmodelTModel
– ;
– -
– .
6. -?
6.1. - . :
6.1.2. (Extract
) ;
6.1.3. (Prev
) ;
: «»Prev.Next
6.1.6. .
6.2. .
7. -, , ()FreeSubmodel
( - ) . .
8. () - ( – ) . «» . , , :
10, - , .. .
8.1. ;
8.2. (not Submodels.IsEmpty()
). « » , ;
8.3. ;
8.4. « »: « ». , – . , , «» , .
11« …! …! …!». ? ? – …
8.5. : - , – , !
? : , «» « » . «» , / . :
8.5.1. « » « (DAG, directed acyclic graph)» «» ;
8.5.2. «» ;
8.5.3. – — :
– «» ;
– «» .
«» . , , – .
8.5.4. : – «» ? : , , , . .
8.6. , . 8.1-8.5 / .
8.7. . 8.5. , . 8.3. 8.4.
//....................................................................... function TSubmodel.IsEqualsChild(AModel: TModel): boolean; begin // 8.3. if (Prototype.Equals(AModel)) then exit(false); // 8.4. if ((Prototype as TModelGroup).Contains(AModel.ObjectID)) then exit(false); Result := true; end; //....................................................................... function TSubmodels.CyclicDependencyCheck(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; var AParent: TModel; ACurrSubmodel: TSubmodel; AMapUnique: TMapUnique; AModelQueue: Queue<TModel>; begin if (not Assigned(Owner.Automate)) then exit(true); if (not Owner.Automate.Ready) then exit(true); // ! // 8.1. if (not (ASubmodel.Prototype is TModelGroup)) then exit(true); // 8.2. , ! if ((ASubmodel.Prototype as TModelGroup).Submodels.IsEmpty()) then exit(true); // 8.5. ! AMapUnique := TMapUnique.Create(); try AModelQueue.Enqueue(Owner); Result := true; while (not AModelQueue.IsEmpty()) do begin AParent := AModelQueue.Dequeue(); Result := ASubmodel.IsEqualsChild(AParent); if (not Result) then break; ACurrSubmodel := AParent.HeadSubmodel; // Assigned(ACurrSubmodel) = false - AParent - ! while (Assigned(ACurrSubmodel)) do begin // ! ! if (ACurrSubmodel.Owner is TModelGroup) then begin if (not AMapUnique.ContainsKey(ACurrSubmodel.Refer)) then begin AMapUnique.Add(ACurrSubmodel.Refer,0); AModelQueue.Enqueue(ACurrSubmodel.Owner); end; end; ACurrSubmodel := ACurrSubmodel.Prev; end; end; while (not AModelQueue.IsEmpty()) do AModelQueue.Dequeue(); finally System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(AMapUnique); end; end;
12« » « » ( , ).
9. i-; : ( ) , , .
: , – , – . , . .
. 1
[XMLROOT('Submodel')] TSubmodel = class(TReference<TModel>) private FOwner: TModel; FOrderId: int64; FSubmodelName: string; private FPrevSubmodel: TSubmodel; FNextSubmodel: TSubmodel; protected function GetRefer(): int64; overload; override; protected function GetOrderId(): int64; overload; virtual; procedure SetOrderId(const AValue: int64); overload; virtual; function GetName(): string; overload; virtual; procedure SetName(const AValue: string); overload; virtual; protected function GetOwner(): TModel; overload; virtual; procedure SetOwner(const AValue: TModel); overload; virtual; protected function GetPrevSubmodel(): TSubmodel; procedure SetPrevSubmodel(const AValue: TSubmodel); function GetNextSubmodel(): TSubmodel; procedure SetNextSubmodel(const AValue: TSubmodel); public constructor Create(); overload; override; constructor Create(APrototype: TModel); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; public function IsEqualsChild(AModel: TModel): boolean; overload; virtual; public property Prototype; public property Prev: TSubmodel read GetPrevSubmodel write SetPrevSubmodel; property Next: TSubmodel read GetNextSubmodel write SetNextSubmodel; published property Owner: TModel read GetOwner write SetOwner; published [XMLAttribute('Refer')] property Refer; [XMLAttribute('OrderId')] property OrderId: int64 read GetOrderId write SetOrderId; [XMLAttribute('Name')] property Name: string read GetName write SetName; end; TSubmodelClass = class of TSubmodel;
TReference<T: class, constructor>
. , :
TReference<T: class, constructor> = class private FRefer: int64; FPrototype: T; protected function GetPrototype(): T; overload; virtual; procedure SetPrototype(const AValue: T); overload; virtual; function GetRefer(): int64; overload; virtual; procedure SetRefer(const AValue: int64); overload; virtual; protected property Prototype: T read GetPrototype write SetPrototype; property Refer: int64 read GetRefer write SetRefer; public constructor Create(); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; end;
, TSubmodel.
4, . 2 (. ), TModel.
1. , . :
– ,
– ,
– .
, FreePrototype() -.
, :
TModeFreePrototype = ( mdpFreePrototype // 1- . , mdpUseRequestFreePrototype // 2- . , mdpUseDefaultMode // 3- . ); TModesFreePrototype = set of TModeFreePrototype;
2. :
TOnAfterDisposeSubmodel = function (APrototypeModel: TModel; ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean of object;
, , TModel (. ):
TModel[XMLROOT('Model')] TModel = class(TNamedObject) private FAutomate: TAutomate; FOwner: TModel; FModesFreePrototype: TModesFreePrototype; FHeadSubmodel: TSubmodel; FOnAfterDisposeSubmodel: TOnAfterDisposeSubmodel; private FArousal: double; FActivateEffect: double; FInhibitEffect: double; private FThreshold: double; FActivateCoeff: double; FResidualActivateCoeff: double; private FOutputs: TOutputs; FInputs: TInputs; protected function GetThis(): TObject; overload; virtual; protected procedure SetObjectName(const AValue: TNameObject); overload; override; procedure SetObjectNameShort(const AValue: TNameShort); overload; override; procedure SetObjectCode(const AValue: TObjectName); overload; override; protected function GetOwner(): TModel; overload; virtual; procedure SetOwner(const AValue: TModel); overload; virtual; protected function GetThreshold(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetThreshold(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetArousal(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetArousal(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetActivateEffect(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetActivateEffect(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetInhibitEffect(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetInhibitEffect(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetActivateCoeff(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetActivateCoeff(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetResidualActivateCoeff(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetResidualActivateCoeff(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; protected function GetOutputs(): TOutputs; overload; virtual; procedure SetOutputs(const AValue: TOutputs); overload; virtual; function GetInputs(): TInputs; overload; virtual; procedure SetInputs(const AValue: TInputs); overload; virtual; protected function GetAutomate(): TAutomate; overload; virtual; procedure SetAutomate(const AValue: TAutomate); overload; virtual; function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; virtual; procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; virtual; protected procedure InternalExtract(); overload; virtual; procedure FreeHeadSubmodels(); overload; virtual; protected function CheckFreeModel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; function FreeSubmodel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; virtual; protected function GetHeadSubmodel(): TSubmodel; overload; virtual; procedure SetHeadSubmodel(const AValue: TSubmodel); overload; virtual; function GetModesFreePrototype(): TModesFreePrototype; overload; virtual; procedure SetModesFreePrototype(const AValue: TModesFreePrototype); overload; virtual; protected function GetOnAfterDisposeSubmodel: TOnAfterDisposeSubmodel; procedure SetOnAfterDisposeSubmodel(const AValue: TOnAfterDisposeSubmodel); overload; virtual; protected // : R (4.2). function Winding(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual; // : R_1 (4.3). function Setting(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual; // : (4.4, 4.4, 4.5 4.5). function Attenuation(AR: TRelation): TRelation; overload; virtual; protected // (9). function Ativation(): double; overload; virtual; // : (7). function Inhibit(): double; overload; virtual; // (8). function Attenuation(): double; overload; virtual; // (10). function Overgrowth(): double; overload; virtual; // (10). function Adaptation(): double; overload; virtual; protected // - . property Arousal: double read GetArousal write SetArousal; // : (4.6). property ActivateEffect: double read GetActivateEffect write SetActivateEffect; // : (4.6). property InhibitEffect: double read GetInhibitEffect write SetInhibitEffect; // . property Threshold: double read GetThreshold write SetThreshold; // . property ActivateCoeff: double read GetActivateCoeff write SetActivateCoeff; // () . property ResidualActivateCoeff: double read GetResidualActivateCoeff write SetResidualActivateCoeff; protected property HeadSubmodel: TSubmodel read GetHeadSubmodel write SetHeadSubmodel; protected class function GetClassInputs(): TInputsClass; overload; virtual; class function GetClassOutputs(): TOutputsClass; overload; virtual; protected function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; virtual; procedure ChangeArousal(AActivateInhibiteSystem: TActivateInhibiteSystem); overload; virtual; public constructor Create(); overload; override; constructor Create(const AObjectId: int64; const AName: string; const ANameShort: string = ''; const ACode: string = ''); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; virtual; function Perform(): boolean; overload; virtual; public procedure Reset(); overload; virtual; public function Connect(ATarget: TModel; AConnection: TConnection): TModel; overload; virtual; public property Owner: TModel read GetOwner write SetOwner; published property Outputs: TOutputs read GetOutputs write SetOutputs; property Inputs: TInputs read GetInputs write SetInputs; published property Automate: TAutomate read GetAutomate write SetAutomate; property Platform: TPlatform read GetPlatform write SetPlatform; published property ModesFreePrototype: TModesFreePrototype read GetModesFreePrototype write SetModesFreePrototype; published property OnAfterDisposeSubmodel: TOnAfterDisposeSubmodel read GetOnAfterDisposeSubmodel write SetOnAfterDisposeSubmodel; end; TModelClass = class of TModel;
, :
– , :
function TModel.CheckFreeModel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; begin Result := false; if (TModeFreePrototype.mfpUseRequestFreePrototype in ModesFreePrototype) then begin if (Assigned(OnAfterDisposeSubmodel)) then begin Result := OnAfterDisposeSubmodel(Self, ASubmodel); end else if (TModeFreePrototype.mfpUseDefaultMode in ModesFreePrototype) then begin Result := (TModeFreePrototype.mfpFreePrototype in FModesFreePrototype); end; end else begin Result := (TModeFreePrototype.mfpFreePrototype in ModesFreePrototype); end; end;
– :
function TModel.FreeSubmodel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; var APrevSubmodel: TSubmodel; ANextSubmodel: TSubmodel; begin Result := false; if (ASubmodel.Equals(FHeadSubmodel)) then begin FHeadSubmodel := ASubmodel.Prev; ASubmodel.Prev := nil; if (Assigned(FHeadSubmodel)) then begin FHeadSubmodel.FNextSubmodel := nil; end else begin // -! // ! Result := ASubmodel.Owner.CheckFreeModel(ASubmodel); exit; end; end else begin Result := false; // ! if (Assigned(ASubmodel.Prev)) then begin ASubmodel.Prev.Next := ASubmodel.Next; if (Assigned(ASubmodel.Next)) then begin ASubmodel.Next.Prev := ASubmodel.Prev; end; end else begin if (Assigned(ASubmodel.Next)) then begin ASubmodel.Next.Prev := nil; end; // not Assigned(ASubmodel.Next) - // (ASubmodel = FHeadSubmodel), // ! end; // ! ASubmodel.Prev := nil; ASubmodel.Next := nil; end; end;
– :
procedure TModel.SetHeadSubmodel(const AValue: TSubmodel); begin if (not Assigned(FHeadSubmodel)) then begin // ! FHeadSubmodel := AValue; // ! FHeadSubmodel.Prev := nil; end else begin if (FHeadSubmodel.Equals(AValue)) then exit; FHeadSubmodel.Next := AValue; AValue.Prev := FHeadSubmodel; FHeadSubmodel := AValue; end; // ! FHeadSubmodel.Next := nil; end;
– , :
destructor TModel.Destroy(); begin InternalExtract(); FResidualActivateCoeff := 0.0; FActivateCoeff := 0.0; FInhibitEffect := 0.0; FActivateEffect := 0.0; FArousal := 0.0; FThreshold := 0.0; System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FOutputs); System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FInputs); FHeadSubmodel := nil; FModesFreePrototype := [TModeFreePrototype.mfpFreePrototype]; FOwner := nil; FOnAfterDisposeSubmodel := nil; inherited Destroy(); end;
[XMLROOT('Group')][CINC(10,'')][ClassVarInherited()] TModelGroup = class(TQualia) private FSubmodels: TSubmodels; protected function GetSubmodels(): TSubmodels; overload; virtual; procedure SetSubmodels(const AValue: TSubmodels); overload; virtual; protected class function GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; overload; virtual; protected function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public procedure Prepare(); overload; virtual; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; procedure Reset(); overload; override; public function Add(AModel: TModel): TModel; overload; virtual; procedure Clear(); overload; virtual; public function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TSubmodel; overload; virtual; function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TSubmodel; overload; virtual; function Contains(const ASubmodel: int64): boolean; overload; virtual; published [XMLARRAY('Submodels','Submodel')] property Submodels: TSubmodels read GetSubmodels write SetSubmodels; end; TModelGroupClass = class of TModelGroup;
2. , , .
3. :
//....................................................... public function Add(AModel: TModel): TModel; overload; virtual; procedure Clear(); overload; virtual; public function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TModel; overload; override; function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TModel; overload; override; //....................................................... end;
//...................................................... public //...................................................... procedure Prepare(); overload; virtual; //...................................................... end;
. – , , .
.............................. protected function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; virtual; .............................. .............................. .............................. public .............................. .............................. public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; .............................. .............................. end;
function TModelGroup.InternalExec(): boolean; var AModel: TModel; begin for AModel in Models do begin Result := AModel.Exec(); if (not Result) then break; end; end; function TModelGroup.Exec(): boolean; begin Result := InternalExec(); end;
: i- , . i- - «» –false
. , i-, ,InternalExec()
) :
function TModelGroup.InternalExec(): boolean; var AModel: TModel; begin for AModel in Models do begin Result := AModel.Exec(); Result := AIS.Exec(Result, AModel); if (not Result) then break; end; end;
function TModelGroup.InternalExec(): boolean; var AModel: TModel; begin for AModel in Models do begin Result := AModel.Exec(); if (not Result) then break; end; Result := AIS.Exec(Result); end;
function TModelGroup.Exec(): boolean; begin Result := InternalExec(); Result := AIS.Exec(Result); end;
- ,
i- – -.
- :
TActivateInhibiteSystem = class(TModelGroup) private FClamping: double; FQueuePerformModels: TQueuePerformModels; protected function GetClamping(): double; overload; virtual; procedure SetClamping(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; protected function InternalExec(const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; function InternalExec(const AStatus: boolean; AModel: TModel): boolean; overload; virtual; protected class function GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; overload; override; protected function Check(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; virtual; procedure BeforePerform(); overload; virtual; function EnqueuePerformModels(): TQueuePerformModels; overload; virtual; function Accept(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; virtual; function InternalExec(): boolean; overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public procedure OrderBy(AIndexStart: longint = 0; AIndexFinish: longint = -1); overload; virtual; procedure OrderBy(AComparer: JOBLIB.Core.Comparers.IComparer<TSubmodel>; AIndexStart: longint = 0; AIndexFinish: longint = -1); overload; virtual; public function Perform(): boolean; overload; override; public function Exec(const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; function Exec(const AStatus: boolean; AModel: TModel): boolean; overload; virtual; published property Clamping: double read GetClamping write SetClamping; end;
, :
1. ( TModelGroup).
2. Clamping – , i-. .. (Arousal), i-: i- ( ) , . , Clamping . - Clamping .
3. QueuePerformModels: TQueuePerformModels. .
4. 4- () :
TActivateInhibiteSystem = class(TModelGroup) .............................. .............................. protected function InternalExec(const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; function InternalExec(const AStatus: boolean; AModel: TModel): boolean; overload; virtual; .............................. .............................. public .............................. .............................. public function Exec(const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; function Exec(const AStatus: boolean; AModel: TModel): boolean; overload; .............................. .............................. virtual; published .............................. .............................. end;
5. , , :
5.1. i-, , «». i- «» i-, - «» . i-, « » .
5.2. , . ,ModesFreePrototype
( «- »). ,TActivateInhibiteSystem
constructor TActivateInhibiteSystem.Create(); begin inherited Create(); // - ! FModesFreePrototype := []; FClamping := 0.0; FQueuePerformModels := TQueuePerformModels.Create(); end;
procedure TActivateInhibiteSystem.SetModesFreePrototype(const AValue: TModesFreePrototype); begin end;
, « ».
13«» . i-.
6. . :
procedure OrderBy(AIndexStart: longint = 0; AIndexFinish: longint = -1); overload; virtual; procedure OrderBy(AComparer: JOBLIB.Core.Comparers.IComparer<TModel>; AIndexStart: longint = 0; AIndexFinish: longint = -1); overload; virtual;
6.1. (, (Arousal) i-). i- -. , -.
6.2. - i- . :
TDefaultAISModelComparer = class(TComparer<TSubmodel>) protected function Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; override; function LessThan(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; override; function GreaterThan(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; end; TDefaultAISModelComparerClass = class of TDefaultAISModelComparer;
function TDefaultAISModelComparer.Equal(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; begin // , ! // . Result := (Abs(ALeft.Prototype.Arousal - ARight.Prototype.Arousal) < 1.0e-5); end; function TDefaultAISModelComparer.LessThan(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; begin Result := (ALeft.Prototype.Arousal < ARight.Prototype.Arousal); end; function TDefaultAISModelComparer.GreaterThan(const ALeft, ARight: TSubmodel): boolean; begin Result := (ALeft.Prototype.Arousal > ARight.Prototype.Arousal); end;
7. - - i-, i- ! , :
constructor TAISSubmodels.Create(); begin inherited Create(TDefaultAISModelComparer.Create()); end; constructor TAISSubmodels.Create(AOwner: TModel); begin Create(); FOwner := AOwner; end;
class function GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; overload; override;
class function TActivateInhibiteSystem.GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; begin Result := TAISSubmodels; // inherited GetClassSubmodels(); end;
7.2. i-
: .
7.3. :
– ;
procedure TAISModels.InnerSetOwner(const AModel: TSubmodel); begin end;
function TAISModels.FindById(const AModelId: int64): TSubmodel; var AIndexOf: int64; begin if (not FMapById.TryGetValue(AModelId, AIndexOf)) then exit(nil); Result := this[AIndexOf]; end; function TAISModels.FindByName(const AModelName: string): TSubmodel; var AIndexOf: int64; begin if (not FMapByName.TryGetValue(AModelName, AIndexOf)) then exit(nil); Result := this[AIndexOf]; end;
procedure TAISModels.Reorder(const AStartIndex: integer); var AIndexOf: integer; begin for AIndexOf := AStartIndex to Count - 1 do begin FMapById.AddOrSetValue(this[AIndexOf].ObjectID, AIndexOf); FMapByName.AddOrSetValue(this[AIndexOf].Name, AIndexOf); end; end; end;
, 0!
7.3. , - :
TAISSubmodels = class(TSubmodels) protected procedure InnerSetOwner(const AModel: TSubmodel); overload; override; protected property Owner: TModel read GetOwner; public constructor Create(); overload; override; constructor Create(AOwner: TModel); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TSubmodel; overload; override; function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TSubmodel; overload; override; public procedure Reorder(const AStartIndex: integer); overload; override; end; TAISSubmodelsClass = class of TAISSubmodels;
1. .
.. i-
function TModelGroup.InternalExec(): boolean; var AModel: TModel; begin for AModel in Models do begin Result := AModel.Exec(); if (not Result) then break; end; end;
– i-;
– i- (arousal) /Clamping
- ( ),
– ( );
– ( ) () i- ( – );
– ( ) - ;
– -.
2. ,
TModel = class(................) //....................................................... public //....................................................... function Perform(): boolean; overload; virtual; //....................................................... end;
i- . - . , true, –
. –true
«» – i- .
2.2. i-
( - )
TQueuePerformModels = class(TQueue<TModel>) public //....................................................... constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; //....................................................... end; //....................................................... constructor TQueuePerformModels.Create(); begin inherited Create(); FreeObjects := false; end; destructor TQueuePerformModels.Destroy(); begin inherited Destroy(); end; //.......................................................
, ,EnqueuePerformModels(…)
, , , :
TActivateInhibiteSystem = class(TModelGroup) private //....................................................... FQueuePerformModels: TQueuePerformModels; protected //....................................................... public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public //....................................................... public function Perform(): boolean; overload; override; //....................................................... end; //....................................................... TActivateInhibiteSystem = class(TModelGroup) private //....................................................... FQueuePerformModels: TQueuePerformModels; protected //....................................................... public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public function Perform(): boolean; overload; override; //....................................................... end; //....................................................... constructor TActivateInhibiteSystem.Create(); begin inherited Create(); Models.FreeObjects := false; FClamping := 0.0; FQueuePerformModels := TQueuePerformModels.Create(); end; destructor TActivateInhibiteSystem.Destroy(); begin System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FQueuePerformModels); FClamping := 0.0; Models.FreeObjects := false; inherited Destroy(); end; //....................................................... function TActivateInhibiteSystem.EnqueuePerformModels(): TQueuePerformModels; var ASubmodel: TSubmodel; begin Result := FQueuePerformModels; // . OrderBy(); // . Submodels.Reorder(); // for ASubmodel in Submodels do begin // , // . if (not Check(ASubmodel)) then break; Result.Enqueue(ASubmodel); end; end; //.......................................................
//....................................................... procedure TActivateInhibiteSystem.BeforePerform(); var ASubmodel: TSubmodel; begin for ASubmodel in Submodels do begin ASubmodel.Prototype.ChangeArousal(Self); end; end; //....................................................... function TActivateInhibiteSystem.Perform(): boolean; var AModel: TModel; begin Result := true; BeforePerform(); // EnqueuePerformModels(); // . while (not FQueuePerformModels.IsEmpty()) do begin if (Accept(FQueuePerformModels.Dequeue())) then continue; Result := false; break; end; // , . while (not FQueuePerformModels.IsEmpty()) do FQueuePerformModels.Dequeue(); end; //.......................................................
– . :
//....................................................... function TActivateInhibiteSystem.Check(ASubmodel: TSubmodel): boolean; begin // ! Result := (ASubmodel.Prototype.Arousal >= Clamping); end; //.......................................................
//....................................................... Result := AModel.Perform(); //.......................................................
, i- , .
, , –false
. .
i- .
procedure TActivateInhibiteSystem.BeforePerform(); var ASubmodel: TSubmodel; begin for ASubmodel in Submodels do begin ASubmodel.Prototype.ChangeArousal(Self); end; end;
procedure TModel.ChangeArousal(AActivateInhibiteSystem: TActivateInhibiteSystem); begin end;
- i-. , , .
- :
TModelsNet = class(TModelGroup) private FPlatform: TPlatform; private // Fontentment: double; FAIS: TActivateInhibiteSystem; protected function Getontentment(): double; overload; virtual; procedure Setontentment(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; override; procedure SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); overload; override; protected property Contentment: double read Getontentment write Setontentment; protected property AIS: TActivateInhibiteSystem read FAIS; property Platform: TPlatform read GetPlatform write SetPlatform; protected class function GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; overload; virtual; class function GetClassAIS(): TActivationInhibitionSystemClass; overload; virtual; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; end; TModelsNetClass = class of TModelsNet;
constructor TModelsNet.Create(); begin inherited Create(); Fontentment := 0.0; FAIS := GetClassAIS().Create(Self); FAIS.Owner := Self; FPlatform := nil; AIS.Prepare(); end; destructor TModelsNet.Destroy(); begin FPlatform := nil; System.SysUtils.FreeAndNil(FAIS); Fontentment := 0.0; inherited Destroy(); end; class function TModelsNet.GetClassSubmodels(): TSubmodelsClass; begin Result := TSubmodels; end; class function TModelsNet.GetClassAIS(): TActivationInhibitionSystemClass; begin Result := TActivateInhibiteSystem; end; function TModelsNet.Exec(): boolean; begin Result := InternalExec(); // , // InternalExec(). Result := AIS.Perform(); end; function TModelsNet.Getontentment(): double; begin Result := Fontentment; end; procedure TModelsNet.Setontentment(const AValue: double); begin // FVitality := AValue; end; function TModelsNet.GetPlatform(): TPlatform; begin Result := FPlatform; end; procedure TModelsNet.SetPlatform(AValue: TPlatform); var ASubmodel: TSubmodel; begin FPlatform := AValue; for ASubmodel in Submodels do begin ASubmodel.Prototype.Platform := Self.Platform; end; end;
//....................................................... AIS.Prepare(); //.......................................................
- . Prepare(…),
//....................................................... TSpeedyAIS = class(TActivateInhibiteSystem) //....................................................... public procedure Prepare(); overload; overrride; //....................................................... end; //....................................................... procedure TSpeedyAIS.Prepare(); begin //....................................................... Submodels.Add(TSubmodel.Create(Owner.Automate.FindByName(''))); Submodels.Add(TSubmodel.Create(Owner.Automate.FindByName(''))); //....................................................... end; //.......................................................
, , -, .
Prepare(…) , – - , , - . !
- :
1. - , - .
2. - - () .
3. - .
- , …
- – , - .
- :
1. .
2. i- () () () -.
3. i-
4. .
1. i- -;
2. i- ();
3. i- ;
4. - ( - , - – );
5. -;
6. -;
[XMLROOT('TAutomate')][XMLSerializerMode([soOrderSerialize])] TAutomate = class(TDesignate) private // i-. FSequence: TSequence; private FReady: boolean; private // "". Fontentment: double; private // i-. FModels: TModels; FMNet: TModelsNet; // i-. FConnections: TConnections; private // i-. FEngine: TEngineConveyor; private // - . FPlatform: TPlatform; private FOnBeforeExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore; FOnAutomateBeforeAction: TOnActionExecuteBefore; FOnAutomateAfterAction: TOnActionExecuteAfter; FOnAfterExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter; private function GetObjectName(): TNameObject; overload; override; procedure SetObjectName(const AValue: TNameObject); overload; override; function GetObjectNameShort(): TNameShort; overload; override; procedure SetObjectNameShort(const AValue: TNameShort); overload; override; function GetObjectCode(): TObjectName; overload; override; procedure SetObjectCode(const AValue: TObjectName); overload; override; protected function GetSequence(): TSequence; overload; virtual; procedure SetSequence(const AValue: TSequence); overload; virtual; protected function GetReady(): boolean; overload; virtual; procedure SetReady(const AValue: boolean); overload; virtual; protected function Getontentment(): double; overload; virtual; procedure Setontentment(const AValue: double); overload; virtual; function GetModels(): TModels; overload; virtual; procedure SetModels(const AValue: TModels); overload; virtual; function GetConnections: TConnections; overload; virtual; procedure SetConnections(const AValue: TConnections); overload; virtual; function GetEngine(): TEngineConveyor; overload; virtual; procedure SetEngine(const AValue: TEngineConveyor); overload; virtual; function GetPlatform(): TPlatform; overload; virtual; procedure SetPlatform(const AValue: TPlatform); overload; virtual; protected function GetOnAutomateBeforeExecute(): TOnAutomateExecuteBefore; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAutomateBeforeExecute(const AValue: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore); overload; virtual; function GetOnBeforeAction(): TOnActionExecuteBefore; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnBeforeAction(const AValue: TOnActionExecuteBefore); overload; virtual; function GetOnAfterAction(): TOnActionExecuteAfter; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAfterAction(const AValue: TOnActionExecuteAfter); overload; virtual; function GetOnAutomateAfterExecute(): TOnAutomateExecuteAfter; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAutomateAfterExecute(const AValue: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter); overload; virtual; protected class function GetClassModels(): TModelsClass; overload; virtual; class function GetClassConnections(): TConnectionsClass; overload; virtual; class function GetClassEngineConveyor(): TEngineConveyorClass; overload; virtual; class function GetClassModelNet(): TModelsNetClass; overload; virtual; protected procedure Binding(); overload; virtual; procedure BindSubmodel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel); overload; virtual; protected function ExecBeforeExecute(): boolean; overload; virtual; function ExecBeforeAction(): boolean; overload; virtual; procedure ExecAfterAction(var AStatus: boolean); overload; virtual; procedure ExecAfterExecute(var AStatus: boolean); overload; virtual; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public procedure Clear(); overload; virtual; public function FindById(const AModelId: int64): TModel; overload; virtual; function FindByName(const AModelName: string): TModel; overload; virtual; public procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string); overload; virtual; procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: string); overload; virtual; public function Next(): boolean; overload; virtual; function Exec(): boolean; overload; virtual; procedure Reset(); overload; virtual; public function Connect(ASourceId, ATargetId: int64): boolean; overload; virtual; function Disconnect(ASourceId, ATargetId: int64): boolean; overload; virtual; function ConnectBy(ASourceId, ATargetId: int64): boolean; overload; virtual; public property Ready: boolean read GetReady write SetReady; public property Platform: TPlatform read GetPlatform write SetPlatform; published [XMLEmbedding('Sequence')] property Sequence: TSequence read GetSequence write SetSequence; published [XMLARRAY('Models','Model')] property Models: TModels read GetModels write SetModels; [XMLARRAY('Connections','Connection')] property Connections: TConnections read GetConnections write SetConnections; [XMLARRAY('Conveyor','Model')] property Engine: TEngineConveyor read GetEngine write SetEngine; published [XMLAttribute('Vitality')] property Contentment: double read Getontentment write Setontentment; published property OnBeforeExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore read GetOnAutomateBeforeExecute write SetOnAutomateBeforeExecute; property OnBeforeAction: TOnActionExecuteBefore read GetOnBeforeAction write SetOnBeforeAction; property OnAfterAction: TOnActionExecuteAfter read GetOnAfterAction write SetOnAfterAction; property OnAfterExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter read GetOnAutomateAfterExecute write SetOnAutomateAfterExecute; end; TAutomateClass = class of TAutomate;
1. TDesignate, ;
2. , ,
3. ontentment – «» -, «» - ;
4. Ready, - ( ).
5. - :
–OnBeforeExecute (OnAfterExecute)
– () / -;
–OnBeforeAction (OnAfterAction)
– () / i-.
6. / - :
– Next(): boolean – / -:
function TAutomate.Next(): boolean; begin if (not ExecBeforeAction()) then exit(false); Result := Exec(); ExecAfterAction(Result); end;
– Exec(): boolean – / - , «» -:
function TAutomate.Exec(): boolean; begin if (not ExecBeforeExecute()) then exit(false); repeat Result := Next(); until (not Result); ExecAfterExecute(Result); end;
7. :
– -;
–FindById(const AModelId: int64)
– ;
–FindByName(const AModelName: string)
– ;
–LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string)
– - :
procedure TAutomate.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: string); var AlterPath: string; ANameFile: JOBLIB.FileName.TFileName; begin ANameFile := AFileName; if (TFile.Exists(ANameFile)) then begin Ready := false; TSerializer.LoadFromFile(Self, AFileName); Ready := true; Binding(); Modified := false; exit; end; Modified := true; TSerializer.SaveToFile(Self, AFileName); Modified := false; end;
SaveToFile(const AFileName: string)
– - ;
– - ;
– - :
procedure TAutomate.Binding(); var AModel: TModel; ASubmodel: TSubmodel; AGroupModels: TModelGroup; AConnection: TConnection; begin Fontentment := 0.0; // ! for AModel in Models do begin AModel.Automate := Self; if (not (AModel is TModelGroup)) then continue; AGroupModels := (AModel as TModelGroup); for ASubmodel in AGroupModels.Submodels do begin BindSubmodel(ASubmodel); end; end; // ! for AConnection in Connections do begin with AConnection do begin FindById(SourceId).Connect(FindById(TargetId), AConnection); end; end; end;
BindSubmodel(ASubmodel: TSubmodel)
– () - ( ).
8. -, -, – .
. -,
– i-
– /.
TEngineConveyor = class(TModelGroup) private FCurrModel: int64; protected procedure SetModesFreePrototype(const AValue: TModesFreePrototype); overload; override; public constructor Create(); overload; override; constructor Create(AOwner: TAutomate); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy(); override; public procedure Reset(); overload; virtual; function Next(): boolean; overload; virtual; function Perform(): boolean; overload; override; function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; end; TEngineConveyorClass = class of TEngineConveyor;
, :
procedure TEngineConveyor.Reset(); begin FCurrModel := 0; end; function TEngineConveyor.Next(): boolean; begin if (not Automate.ExecBeforeAction()) then exit(false); Result := false; if (FCurrModel < Submodels.Count) then begin Result := Submodels[FCurrModel].Prototype.Exec(); System.Inc(FCurrModel); end; Automate.ExecAfterAction(Result); end; function TEngineConveyor.Exec(): boolean; begin Reset(); if (not Automate.ExecBeforeExecute()) then exit(false); repeat Result := Next(); until (not Result); Automate.ExecAfterExecute(Result); end; function TEngineConveyor.Perform(): boolean; begin end;
, Exec Next -
function TAutomate.Next(): boolean; begin Result := Engine.Next(); end; function TAutomate.Exec(): boolean; begin Result := Engine.Exec(); end;
procedure TEngineConveyor.SetModesFreePrototype(const AValue: TModesFreePrototype); begin end;
- (
FModesFreePrototype := []
() -
– ,
– , .
, , , . :
TPlatform = class(TModel) private FOnBeforeExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore; FOnAutomateBeforeAction: TOnActionExecuteBefore; FOnAutomateAfterAction: TOnActionExecuteAfter; FOnAfterExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter; protected function GetOnAutomateBeforeExecute(): TOnAutomateExecuteBefore; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAutomateBeforeExecute(const AValue: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore); overload; virtual; function GetOnBeforeAction(): TOnActionExecuteBefore; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnBeforeAction(const AValue: TOnActionExecuteBefore); overload; virtual; function GetOnAfterAction(): TOnActionExecuteAfter; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAfterAction(const AValue: TOnActionExecuteAfter); overload; virtual; function GetOnAutomateAfterExecute(): TOnAutomateExecuteAfter; overload; virtual; procedure SetOnAutomateAfterExecute(const AValue: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter); overload; virtual; protected function HandleBeforeExecute(AAutomate: TAutomate): boolean; overload; virtual; function HandleAutomateBeforeAction(AAutomate: TAutomate): boolean; overload; virtual; function HandleAutomateAfterAction(AAutomate: TAutomate; const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; function HandleAfterExecute(AAutomate: TAutomate; const AStatus: boolean): boolean; overload; virtual; public constructor Create(); overload; override; destructor Destroy(); override; public procedure Prepare(); overload; virtual; public function Exec(): boolean; overload; override; published property OnBeforeExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteBefore read GetOnAutomateBeforeExecute write SetOnAutomateBeforeExecute; property OnBeforeAction: TOnActionExecuteBefore read GetOnBeforeAction write SetOnBeforeAction; property OnAfterAction: TOnActionExecuteAfter read GetOnAfterAction write SetOnAfterAction; property OnAfterExecute: TOnAutomateExecuteAfter read GetOnAutomateAfterExecute write SetOnAutomateAfterExecute; end; TPlatformClass = class of TPlatform;
1. () -;
2. ;
function TPlatform.Exec(): boolean; begin Prepare(); Result := Automate.Exec(); end;
4. , - («») . …
, -, , , – . , :
1. «», () -.
2. :
2.1. -.
2.2. () - i- .
2.3. (, ) i- .
2.4. -.
2.5.1. - ( ).
2.5.2. - ( ).
3. () - - ().
4. () -.
5. () i-, ().
6.1. () (DLL / BPL), .
6.2. i- , , (, ZeroMQ), .
7. «» - .
, .. .
1. , [3] .. . :
– « »,
– -, (M- ).
2. , , [3], [2, 4]. , .. , , [3] , : [4], [1] [2].
3. , «» , -.
4. [3] «» , .. , - , , «-» . !
5. , [3] . () .. : , i- . .. , , , .. [7] .. [8].
6. i- – (, ) – , ( , , ) .
7. - . - . , , , - « » . , - - . . .
, , , , !
, .
(Ustas) open-source , .
1. .. . – , 1965.
2. .. . – , 1969.
3. .., .., .., .. : . – , 1973.
4. .. – , 1979.
5. .. . – ., 1981.
6. .. . – ., 1987.
7. .., .., .. – «» — . , « ». ., 1975; . 152–171 « ». ., 2010; . 61-81.
8. Demin A.V., Vityaev E.E. Le système de contrôle animat basé sur la théorie des systèmes fonctionnels de P.K. Anokhina
9. Rabinovich M.I., Myezinolu M.K. Dynamique non linéaire du cerveau: émotions et activité intellectuelle - Physique ± Uspekhi, vol. 180 (2010), p. 371-387