Déploiement de Canary avec Jenkins-X, Istio et Flagger

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Nous arrivons ici à la dernière partie d'une série d'articles sur les versions de Canary dans Kubernetes et les méthodes de leur implémentation. Bonne lecture et j'espère que vous avez trouvé ce cycle utile.

Utilisation de la solution Jenkins X pour effectuer un déploiement Canary sur un cluster Kubernetes

Dans cette boucle:

  1. Canary Deployment GitlabCI + GitOps/Manual Approach
  2. Canary Deployment Argo Rollouts
  3. Canary Deployment Istio
  4. ( )


Jenkins X k8s Python . , , JenkinsX+Flagger+Istio anary deployment , .

Canary Deployment

, , anary deployment Kubernetes.

Jenkins X

, , , Jenkins X. , .


, , Istio. , . 3, Canary deployment Istio, .


Flagger Kubernetes, anary deployments Istio, Linkerd, App Mesh, NGINX, Contour Gloo routing Prometheus canary-. Canary- - , . ()

Jenkins X jx Kubernetes, Github , .

Jenkins X k8s

Jenkins X , Gcloud:

jx create cluster gke -n jenkinsx --machine-type n1-standard-4

“Serverless Jenkins X Pipelines with Tekton” Github . Github stage production .


jx create addon istio
jx create addon flagger
jx create addon prometheus

Istio ( istio_requests_total Prometheus), Istio :

istioctl manifest generate --set values.kiali.enabled=true --set values.tracing.enabled=true --set values.grafana.enabled=true --set values.prometheus.enabled=true > istio.yaml
kubectl -f istio.yaml install

Flagger jx Istio sidecar namespace jx-production. :

kubectl get ns -L istio-injection

label istio-injection: enabled namespace, Istio sidecar .

Test App / Quickstart

jxing-nginx-ingress-controller namespace kube-system External IP. python-:

jx create quickstart --project-name python-test

python-http. , canary deployment . - HTTP endpoints .

Jenkins X Github .

do_GET app.py, , :

def do_GET(self):
 # Send the html message
 output = 'v1'

Jenkins X (jx get env):

Git-, GitOps. Helm Charts + , , require.yaml.


quickstart , (jx import), 0.0.1 stage . , PROMOTE Auto stage . Pull Request stage , Jenkins X . Pipeline :

 jx get activities -w

pipelines , :

jx get applications

                        Jenkins X     Semver

, 0.0.1 stage, prod . :

kubectl -n jx-staging get all       # shows the app
kubectl -n jx-production get all    # shows nothing

stage , URL:


( production , 0.0.2)

(promote) production “”. jx get env , production , :

jx promote --version 0.0.2 --env production

Pull Request Jenkins X production Github . jx get applications 0.0.2 stage production:

production requirements.yaml prod .

Canary prod

prod stage canary, rolling-rollouts Kubernetes.

Python, Jenkins X -. charts/APP_NAME/values.yaml, Flagger Canary:

# Canary deployments
# If enabled, Istio and Flagger need to be installed in the cluster
 enabled: false
 progressDeadlineSeconds: 60
   interval: "1m"
   threshold: 5
   maxWeight: 60
   stepWeight: 20
   # WARNING: Canary deployments will fail and rollback if there is no traffic that will generate the below specified metrics.
       threshold: 99
       interval: "1m"
       threshold: 1000
       interval: "1m"
 # The host is using Istio Gateway and is currently not auto-generated
 # Please overwrite the `canary.host` in `values.yaml` in each environment repository (e.g., staging, production)
 host: acme.com

canary deployment 3 , 1 : 20%, 40%, 60%.

anary canary: enabled: false.

Jenkins X , production environment-jenkinsx-production. Python, Helm charts requirements.yaml. env/values.yaml environment-jenkinsx-production:

   enabled: true
   host: jenkinsx-istio-canary-python-test.

  • xxx.IP_ADDRESS.nip.io IP_ADDRESS. .
  • host: Istio, . IP- Istio : kubectl -n istio-system get svc. , , host:, External IP Istio.

production Jenkins X, :

 jx get activity

activities successful. Istio VirtualService Gateway:

kubectl -n jx-production get virtualservices.networking.istio.io,gateways.networking.istio.io

, , , anary, , . ()

production Istio :


Flagger Grafana Dashboard

Flagger Grafana namespace istio-system, , :

kubectl port-forward -n istio-system service/flagger-grafana 3000:80
# admin:admin

Grafana Istio Dashboard :

  • namespace: jx-production
  • primary: jx-jenkinsx-istio-canary-python-test-primary
  • canary: jx-jenkinsx-istio-canary-python-test-canary

Primary canary services. , Canary .

istio_requests_total, , Istio , , , jx.

Flagger Canary Workflow

Helm Chart Python , ( ):

 enabled: false # false, but we set to true in prod env git repo
 progressDeadlineSeconds: 60
   interval: "1m"
   threshold: 5
   maxWeight: 60
   stepWeight: 20
   # WARNING: Canary deployments will fail and rollback if there is no traffic that will generate the below specified metrics.
       threshold: 99
       interval: "1m"
       threshold: 1000
       interval: "1m"

. Flagger .

Canary, Flagger:

kubectl -n jx-production get canaries.flagger.app

Canary Deployment


app.py , GET . Pull Request master- merge. Jenkins X deploy stage.

prod, , stage. 0.0.6 , :

jx promote --version 0.0.6 --env production


kubectl -n jx-production get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind=Canary --sort-by='{.lastTimestamp}'

Canary 20%

2m39s       Normal    Synced   Canary   Advance jx-jenkinsx-istio-canary-python-test.jx-production canary weight 20

curl production Istio endpoint, , 20% :

Canary ( )

, endpoint, Canary Flagger :

Canary , .

Canary 40%

, , Flagger 40%:

Canary 60%

, , Flagger 60%:

60s         Normal    Synced   Canary   Advance jx-jenkinsx-istio-canary-python-test.jx-production canary weight 60


25s         Normal    Synced   Canary   Routing all traffic to primary


Jenkins X Istio Flagger Canary Deployments. , Istio jx create addon istio, .

Flagger, , , . , Jenkins X , .

Jenkins X, , Flagger Istio Canary Deployments , , .




(. . — CKAD — https://killer.sh/ )

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