Nous visons et communiquons avec les satellites: première partie - viser par programmation

Avertissement - Je ne suis pratiquement pas familier avec l'astronomie, seulement je suis allé en orbite à Kerbal et j'ai réussi d'une manière ou d'une autre à faire quelques manœuvres orbitales. Mais le sujet est intéressant, de sorte que même si je ne m'exprime pas correctement quelque part, je suis sale.

Tous les liens sont à la fin de l'article.

Pour être prudent, la visibilité ne consiste pas seulement à voir avec les yeux.

, , . , . . — , .


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O3B FM8 8,000, Tierra del Fuego. . ( ) , ( , ).


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. 3- (LEO), (MEO), (GSO).

, ( 2,000), ( Kerbal, , , - ), . . 20-30 . . 90 .

, Medium Earth Orbit — , (GSO) (LEO). 10,000 30,000. 2000 8000 - Van Allen Belt ( ).

GPS . , ( ). 12 .

1 . 36,000. , . . . .


FPV , - . , , , .

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— "" "feed antenna". -. .


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, Skyfield . , . , .

, , . 90 , . 8 . — 10 — 2- , - . , , .

, (altitude) elevation.


, , 45 . — . , . 0 , 180 .

Skyfield Python, Python (3). , , .


pip3 install skyfield


import datetime
import time
from skyfield.api import load, Topos, EarthSatellite


TLE_FILE = "" # DB file to download

# Coordinats
# 57°00'13.7"N 37°02'53.7"E
# Kimrsky District, Tver Oblast, Russia
LONGITUDE = 57.003810
LATITUDE = 37.048262


class SatelliteObserver:

    def __init__(self, where: Topos, what: EarthSatellite):
        self.where = where
        self.sat = what
        self.sat_name =
        self.ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)
# ...

"" , (, ), EarthSatellite .

# ...
    def from_strings(cls, longitude: str or float, latitude: str or float, sat_name: str, tle_file: str) -> 'SatelliteObserver':
        place = Topos(latitude, longitude)
        satellites = load.tle(tle_file)
        print("loaded {} sats from {}".format(len(satellites), tle_file))
        _sats_by_name = { sat for sat in satellites.values()}
        satellite = _sats_by_name[sat_name]
        return cls(place, satellite)
# ...

Topos ( ).

, _sats_by_name[sat_name].

def altAzDist_at(self, at: float) -> (float, float, float):
        :param at: Unix time GMT (timestamp)
        :return: (altitude, azimuth, distance)
        current_gmt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(at)
        current_ts = self.ts.utc(current_gmt.year, current_gmt.month,, current_gmt.hour,
                            current_gmt.minute, current_gmt.second + current_gmt.microsecond / 1000000.0)
        difference = self.sat - self.where
        observer_to_sat =
        altitude, azimuth, distance = observer_to_sat.altaz()
        return (altitude.degrees, azimuth.degrees,

, at .

    def current_altAzDist(self) -> (float, float, float):
        return self.altAzDist_at(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))

    def above_horizon(self, at: float) -> bool:
        :param at: Unix time GMT
        (alt, az, dist) = self.altAzDist_at(at)
        return alt > 0

current_altAzDist(self) — , .

main :

def main():
    iss = SatelliteObserver.from_strings(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, ISS_NAME, TLE_FILE)
    elevation, azimuth, distance = iss.current_altAzDist()
    visible = "visible!" if elevation > 0 else "not visible =/"
    print("ISS from latitude {}, longitude {}: azimuth {}, elevation {} ({})".format(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, azimuth, elevation, visible))

if __name__ == "__main__":

import datetime
import time
from skyfield.api import load, Topos, EarthSatellite

TLE_FILE = "" # DB file to download

# Coordinats
# 57°00'13.7"N 37°02'53.7"E
# Kimrsky District, Tver Oblast, Russia
LONGITUDE = 57.003810
LATITUDE = 37.048262

class SatelliteObserver:

    def __init__(self, where: Topos, what: EarthSatellite):
        self.where = where
        self.sat = what
        self.sat_name =
        self.ts = load.timescale(builtin=True)

    def from_strings(cls, longitude: str or float, latitude: str or float, sat_name: str, tle_file: str) -> 'SatelliteObserver':
        place = Topos(latitude, longitude)
        satellites = load.tle(tle_file)
        print("loaded {} sats from {}".format(len(satellites), tle_file))
        _sats_by_name = { sat for sat in satellites.values()}
        satellite = _sats_by_name[sat_name]
        return cls(place, satellite)

    def altAzDist_at(self, at: float) -> (float, float, float):
        :param at: Unix time GMT (timestamp)
        :return: (altitude, azimuth, distance)
        current_gmt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(at)
        current_ts = self.ts.utc(current_gmt.year, current_gmt.month,, current_gmt.hour,
                            current_gmt.minute, current_gmt.second + current_gmt.microsecond / 1000000.0)
        difference = self.sat - self.where
        observer_to_sat =
        altitude, azimuth, distance = observer_to_sat.altaz()
        return (altitude.degrees, azimuth.degrees,

    def current_altAzDist(self) -> (float, float, float):
        return self.altAzDist_at(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))

    def above_horizon(self, at: float) -> bool:
        :param at: Unix time GMT
        (alt, az, dist) = self.altAzDist_at(at)
        return alt > 0

def main():
    iss = SatelliteObserver.from_strings(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, ISS_NAME, TLE_FILE)
    elevation, azimuth, distance = iss.current_altAzDist()
    visible = "visible!" if elevation > 0 else "not visible =/"
    print("ISS from latitude {}, longitude {}: azimuth {}, elevation {} ({})".format(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, azimuth, elevation, visible))

if __name__ == "__main__":



[#################################] 100% active.txt
loaded 6351 sats from
ISS from latitude 37.048262, longitude 57.00381: azimuth 55.695482310974974, elevation 6.232187065056109 (visible!)

( ) (elevation), .

(visible!) — !.. 6 . , 45.

. .

( , , .



, :

import datetime
import time
from skyfield.api import load, Topos, EarthSatellite

TLE_FILE = "" # DB file to download


satellites = load.tle(TLE_FILE)

print("loaded {} sats from {}".format(len(satellites), TLE_FILE))
_sats_by_name = { sat for sat in satellites.values()}
satellite = _sats_by_name[SAT_NAME]

ts = load.timescale()
t =

location = Topos('52.173141 N', '44.108612 E')

difference = satellite - location
topocentric =

alt, az, distance = topocentric.altaz()

if alt.degrees > 0:
    print('The ISS is above the horizon')

print(int(, 'km')



import datetime
import time
from skyfield.api import load, Topos, EarthSatellite

TLE_FILE = "" # DB file to download

MIN_AZ = 50
MAX_AZ = 140

satellites = load.tle(TLE_FILE)
ts = load.timescale()
t =

location = Topos('52.173141 N', '44.108612 E')

for sat in satellites.values():
    difference = sat - location
    topocentric =

    alt, az, distance = topocentric.altaz()

    azValue = int(str(az).replace('deg', '').split(" ")[0])

    if alt.degrees >= MIN_DEGREE and azValue >= MIN_AZ and azValue <= MAX_AZ:
        print(, alt, az)

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