Tutoriel pyOpenRPA. Gestion des applications WEB

Le didacticiel tant attendu sur la gestion des applications WEB tierces à l'aide de pyOpenRPA. Dans la deuxième partie, nous analyserons les principes de l'influence robotique sur HTML / JS. Nous fabriquerons également de nos propres mains un petit robot très démonstratif.

Ce robot sera utile pour ceux pour qui le sujet de l'achat / vente de biens immobiliers est pertinent.

Tutoriel pyOpenRPA.  Gestion des applications WEB

Pour ceux qui sont avec nous pour la première fois

pyOpenRPA est une plate - forme RPA open source qui remplace complètement les principales plates-formes commerciales RPA .

Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les raisons de son utilité ici .

Navigation dans les didacticiels pyOpenRPA

Le didacticiel est conçu comme une série d'articles qui mettront en évidence les technologies clés requises pour la RPA.

Après avoir maîtrisé ces technologies, vous aurez l'occasion de vous plonger dans les spécificités de la tâche qui vous est confiée.

Liste des articles du tutoriel (publiés et prévus):


[ ]

- — - , - . - , , , , . , , - .

1990- — 2000- .

, #, ( , ). WEB " ?"/" ?". WEB


, / .

Comment nous voyons l'application WEB


HTML JS CSS. , ? :)

Comment le robot voit l'application WEB

WEB — . + .

WEB : CSS, XPath, id, class, attribute. CSS .

( )

, ( ).

: , . .json :

    "SearchKeyStr": "_", #   
    "SearchTitleStr": ",  ", #  
    "SearchURLStr": "https://www.cian.ru/cat.php?deal_type=sale&engine_version=2&in_polygon%5B1%5D=37.6166_55.7678%2C37.6147_55.7688%2C37.6114_55.7694%2C37.6085_55.7698%2C37.6057_55.77%2C37.6018_55.77%2C37.5987_55.77%2C37.5961_55.7688%2C37.5942_55.7677%2C37.5928_55.7663%2C37.5915_55.7647%2C37.5908_55.7631%2C37.5907_55.7616%2C37.5909_55.7595%2C37.5922_55.7577%2C37.5944_55.7563%2C37.5968_55.7555%2C37.6003_55.7547%2C37.603_55.7543%2C37.6055_55.7542%2C37.6087_55.7541%2C37.6113_55.7548%2C37.6135_55.756%2C37.6151_55.7574%2C37.6163_55.7589%2C37.6179_55.7606%2C37.6187_55.7621%2C37.619_55.7637%2C37.6194_55.7651%2C37.6193_55.7667%2C37.6178_55.7679%2C37.6153_55.7683%2C37.6166_55.7678&offer_type=flat&polygon_name%5B1%5D=%D0%9E%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C+%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0&room1=1&room2=1", # URL of the CIAN search [str]
    "SearchDatetimeStr": "2020-08-01 09:33:00.838081", # ,     
    "SearchItems": { #    
        "https://www.cian.ru/sale/flat/219924574/:": { # URL    
            "TitleStr": "3-. ., 31,4 ², 5/8 ", #   
            "PriceFloat": 10000000.0, #  
            "PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, #   1 . .
            "SqMFloat": 31.4, # - . .
            "FloorCurrentInt": 5, #    
            "FloorTotalInt": 8, #    
            "RoomCountInt": 3 # - 


0. ( pyOpenRPA)

RPA , pyOpenRPA , : RPA , pyOpenRPA . RPA ( pyOpenRPA Python).


  • 1, . GitLab
  • 2, . pyOpenRPA Python 3 (pip install pyOpenRPA)

( 1). - . pyOpenRPA , , — . #Enjoy :)


, , . . , — WEB .


  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer
  • Python 3

1 (. 0), pyOpenRPA (#). pyOpenRPA portable (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Python3 32|64 ..).

, pyOpenRPA Selenium. WEB. pyOpenRPA.


  • pyOpenRPA > Wiki > RUS_Tutorial > WebGUI_Habr:

    • "3. MonitoringCIAN_Run_64.py" — , WEB
    • "3. MonitoringCIAN_Run_64.cmd" — 1- .exe

"3. MonitoringCIAN_Run_64.cmd" :

cd %~dp0..\..\..\Sources
..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe "..\Wiki\RUS_Tutorial\WebGUI_Habr\3. MonitoringCIAN_Run_64.py"
pause >nul

Selenium WebDriver :

# Init the Chrome web driver
def WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList):
    # Set full path to exe of the chrome
    lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.binary_location = inChromeExeFullPath
    # Add extensions
    for lExtensionItemFullPath in inExtensionFullPathList:
        lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.add_extension (lExtensionItemFullPath)
    # Run chrome instance
    lWebDriverInstance = None
    if inWebDriverFullPath:
        # Run with specified web driver path
        lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = inWebDriverFullPath, options=lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
        lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(options = lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
    # Return the result
    return lWebDriverInstance


WEB Google Chrome, pyOpenRPA ( 1 0).

Google Chrome (pyOpenRPA repo\Resources\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe, Ctrl + Shift + i)

Google Chrome portable + outils de développement

, . .

Liste des devis par filtre

, CSS Google Chrome. CSS

CSS "Console". , CSS .

Exemple de validation d'un sélecteur CSS


, , .


  • div[data-name="BannerServicePlaceInternal"]
  • div[data-name="getBannerMarkup"]
  • div[data-name="AdFoxBannerTracker"]

CSS , . CSS .

  • CSS , : div[data-name="Offers"] > div:not([data-name="BannerServicePlaceInternal"]):not([data-name="getBannerMarkup"]):not([data-name="AdFoxBannerTracker"])

CSS : , , URL .

  • CSS , : div[data-name="TopTitle"],div[data-name="Title"]
  • CSS , : div[data-name="Price"] > div[class="header"],div[data-name="TopPrice"] > div[class="header"]
  • CSS , URL : a[class*="--header--"]


  • CSS , : div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a

3. /

CSS . , .


lOfferItemInfo = { # Item URL with https
    "TitleStr": "3-. ., 31,4 ², 5/8 ", # Offer title [str]
    "PriceFloat": 10000000.0, # Price [float]
    "PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, # CALCULATED Price per square meters [float]
    "SqMFloat": 31.4, # Square meters in flat [float]
    "FloorCurrentInt": 5, # Current floor [int]
    "FloorTotalInt": 8, # Current floor [int]
    "RoomCountInt": 3  # Room couint [int]


lOfferListCSSStr = 'div[data-name="Offers"] > div:not([data-name="BannerServicePlaceInternal"]):not([data-name="getBannerMarkup"]):not([data-name="AdFoxBannerTracker"])'
lOfferList = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector=lOfferListCSSStr)


for lOfferItem in lOfferList:

WEB : , , URL .

lTitleStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="TopTitle"],div[data-name="Title"]').text # Extract title text
lPriceStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="Price"]  > div[class*="header"],div[data-name="TopPrice"] > div[class*="header"]').text # Extract total price
lURLStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='a[class*="--header--"]').get_attribute("href") # Extract offer URL
lOfferItemInfo["TitleStr"] = lTitleStr # set the title
lPriceStr = lPriceStr.replace(" ","").replace("₽","") # Remove some extra symbols
lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] = round(float(lPriceStr),2) # Convert price to the float type


  • ""

    lREResult = re.search(r".*, (\d*,?\d*) ², (\d*)/(\d*) .", lTitleStr)  # run the re
    lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = 1 # Room count
    lSqmStr = lREResult.group(1)
    lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
    lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
    lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int(lREResult.group(2)) # Floor current
    lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int(lREResult.group(3)) # Floor total
    lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M

  • ""

    lREResult = re.search(r".*(\d)-. .*, (\d*,?\d*) ², (\d*)/(\d*) .", lTitleStr) # run the re
    lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = int(lREResult.group(1)) # Room count
    lSqmStr = lREResult.group(2)
    lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
    lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
    lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int(lREResult.group(3)) # Floor current
    lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int(lREResult.group(4)) # Floor total
    lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M


, ( ) .

( 2) CSS . .click() .

, .click Selenium ( ). JavaScript Selenium. JavaScript , . :

inWebDriver.execute_script("""document.querySelector('div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a').click()""")

, . .

# wait while preloader is active
lDoWaitBool = True
while lDoWaitBool:
    lPreloaderCSS = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[class*="--preloadOverlay--"]') # So hard to catch the element :)
    if len(lPreloaderCSS)>0: time.sleep(0.5) # preloader is here - wait
    else: lDoWaitBool = False # Stop wait if preloader is dissappear

.json .

# Check dir - create if not exists
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'])):
# Save result in file
lFile = open(f"{os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'],lDatetimeNowStr.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').replace(':','_').replace('.','_'))}.json","w",encoding="utf-8")


— , . WEB , . , :

  • .
  • (, :) )

( :) ).

, .

  • .

    # wait while preloader is active. If timeout - retry all job
    lTimeFromFLoat = time.time() # get current time in float (seconds)
    lDoWaitBool = True
    while lDoWaitBool:
    lPreloaderCSS = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[class*="--preloadOverlay--"]')
    if len(lPreloaderCSS)>0: time.sleep(0.5) # preloader is here - wait
    else: lDoWaitBool = False # Stop wait if preloader is dissappear
    if (time.time() - lTimeFromFLoat) > 15: # check if timeout is more than 15 seconds
        lRetryJobBool = True # Loading error on page - do break, then retry the job
        if inLogger: inLogger.warning(f"    {15} .,    ")
        break # break the loop
    if lRetryJobBool == True: # break the loop if RetryJobBool is true

  • (, :) )

    lPageNumberInt = int(inWebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='li[class*="--active--"] span').text) # Get the current page int from web and check with iterator (if not equal - retry all job)
    if lPageNumberInt == lPageCounterInt:
    ...   ...
    lRetryJobBool = True
    if inLogger: inLogger.warning(
        f"      .   : {lPageNumberInt},  : {lPageCounterInt}")



( GitLab):

# Init Chrome web driver with extensions (if applicable)
# Import section
from selenium import webdriver
import time
import re # Regexp to extract info from string
import json
import datetime
import os
import re
import copy
import logging
# Store structure (.json)
    "SearchKeyStr": "_",
    "SearchTitleStr": ",  ", # Title of the search [str]
    "SearchURLStr": "https://www.cian.ru/cat.php?deal_type=sale&engine_version=2&in_polygon%5B1%5D=37.6166_55.7678%2C37.6147_55.7688%2C37.6114_55.7694%2C37.6085_55.7698%2C37.6057_55.77%2C37.6018_55.77%2C37.5987_55.77%2C37.5961_55.7688%2C37.5942_55.7677%2C37.5928_55.7663%2C37.5915_55.7647%2C37.5908_55.7631%2C37.5907_55.7616%2C37.5909_55.7595%2C37.5922_55.7577%2C37.5944_55.7563%2C37.5968_55.7555%2C37.6003_55.7547%2C37.603_55.7543%2C37.6055_55.7542%2C37.6087_55.7541%2C37.6113_55.7548%2C37.6135_55.756%2C37.6151_55.7574%2C37.6163_55.7589%2C37.6179_55.7606%2C37.6187_55.7621%2C37.619_55.7637%2C37.6194_55.7651%2C37.6193_55.7667%2C37.6178_55.7679%2C37.6153_55.7683%2C37.6166_55.7678&offer_type=flat&polygon_name%5B1%5D=%D0%9E%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C+%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0&room1=1&room2=1", # URL of the CIAN search [str]
    "SearchDatetimeStr": "2020-08-01 09:33:00.838081", # Date of data extraction,  [str]
    "SearchItems": {
        "https://www.cian.ru/sale/flat/219924574/:": { # Item URL with https
            "TitleStr": "3-. ., 31,4 ², 5/8 ", # Offer title [str]
            "PriceFloat": 10000000.0, # Price [float]
            "PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, # CALCULATED Price per square meters [float]
            "SqMFloat": 31.4, # Square meters in flat [float]
            "FloorCurrentInt": 5, # Current floor [int]
            "FloorTotalInt": 8, # Current floor [int]
            "RoomCountInt": 3 # Room couint [int]


# Init the Chrome web driver
gChromeExeFullPath = r'..\Resources\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe'
gExtensionFullPathList = []
gWebDriverFullPath = r'..\Resources\SeleniumWebDrivers\Chrome\chromedriver_win32 v84.0.4147.30\chromedriver.exe'
def WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList):
    # Set full path to exe of the chrome
    lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.binary_location = inChromeExeFullPath
    # Add extensions
    for lExtensionItemFullPath in inExtensionFullPathList:
        lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.add_extension (lExtensionItemFullPath)
    # Run chrome instance
    lWebDriverInstance = None
    if inWebDriverFullPath:
        # Run with specified web driver path
        lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = inWebDriverFullPath, options=lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
        lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(options = lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
    # Return the result
    return lWebDriverInstance

from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC

# def to extract list of offers from one job
def OffersByJobExtractDict(inLogger, inWebDriver, inJob):
    # BUG 0 - if timeout - retry the job +
    # BUG 1 - do mouse scroll to to emulate user activity - cian can hold the robot
    # BUG 2 - check the page to retry job offer if page is not next +
    # BUG 3 - RE fall on -, 85,6 ², 4/8  +
    lRetryJobBool = True # Init flag if some error is raised - retry
    while lRetryJobBool:
        lRetryJobBool = False  # Set false until some another action will appear
        lResult = copy.deepcopy(inJob) # do copy the structure
        lFilterURLStr = lResult["SearchURLStr"]
        inWebDriver.get(lFilterURLStr) # Open the URL
        lDatetimeNowStr = str(datetime.datetime.now())
            "SearchDatetimeStr": lDatetimeNowStr, # Date of data extraction,  [str]
            "SearchItems": {} # prepare the result
        # Get List of the page
        lNextPageItemCSS = 'div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a'
        lNextPageItem = inWebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(lNextPageItemCSS)
        lPageCounterInt = 1 # Init the page counter
        while lNextPageItem:
            lPageNumberInt = int(inWebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='li[class*="--active--"] span').text) # Get the current page int from web and check with iterator (if not equal - retry all job)
            if lPageNumberInt == lPageCounterInt:
                lOfferListCSSStr = 'div[data-name="Offers"] > div:not([data-name="BannerServicePlaceInternal"]):not([data-name="getBannerMarkup"]):not([data-name="AdFoxBannerTracker"])'
                lOfferList = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector=lOfferListCSSStr)
                for lOfferItem in lOfferList: # Processing the item, extract info
                    lOfferItemInfo = { # Item URL with https
                        "TitleStr": "3-. ., 31,4 ², 5/8 ", # Offer title [str]
                        "PriceFloat": 10000000.0, # Price [float]
                        "PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, # CALCULATED Price per square meters [float]
                        "SqMFloat": 31.4, # Square meters in flat [float]
                        "FloorCurrentInt": 5, # Current floor [int]
                        "FloorTotalInt": 8, # Current floor [int]
                        "RoomCountInt": 3  # Room couint [int]
                    lTitleStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="TopTitle"],div[data-name="Title"]').text # Extract title text
                    if inLogger: inLogger.info(f"  : {lTitleStr}")
                    lPriceStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="Price"]  > div[class*="header"],div[data-name="TopPrice"] > div[class*="header"]').text # Extract total price
                    lURLStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='a[class*="--header--"]').get_attribute("href") # Extract offer URL
                    lOfferItemInfo["TitleStr"] = lTitleStr # set the title
                    lPriceStr = lPriceStr.replace(" ","").replace("₽","") # Remove some extra symbols
                    lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] = round(float(lPriceStr),2) # Convert price to the float type
                    #Check if 
                    if "" in lTitleStr.upper():
                        lREResult = re.search(r".*, (\d*,?\d*) ², (\d*)/(\d*) .", lTitleStr)  # run the re
                        lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = 1 # Room count
                        lSqmStr = lREResult.group(1)
                        lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
                        lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
                        lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int(lREResult.group(2)) # Floor current
                        lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int(lREResult.group(3)) # Floor total
                        lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M
                        lREResult = re.search(r".*(\d)-. .*, (\d*,?\d*) ², (\d*)/(\d*) .", lTitleStr) # run the re
                        lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = int(lREResult.group(1)) # Room count
                        lSqmStr = lREResult.group(2)
                        lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
                        lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
                        lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int(lREResult.group(3)) # Floor current
                        lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int(lREResult.group(4)) # Floor total
                        lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M
                    lResult['SearchItems'][lURLStr] = lOfferItemInfo # Set item in result dict
                # Click next page item
                lNextPageItem = None
                lNextPageList = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(lNextPageItemCSS)
                if len(lNextPageList)>0:
                    lNextPageItem = lNextPageList[0]
                        #lNextPageItem = WebDriverWait(lWebDriver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[data-name="Pagination"]')))
                        inWebDriver.execute_script("""document.querySelector('div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a').click()""")
                    except Exception as e:
                    time.sleep(0.5) # some init operations
                    # wait while preloader is active. If timeout - retry all job
                    lTimeFromFLoat = time.time() # get current time in float (seconds)
                    lDoWaitBool = True
                    while lDoWaitBool:
                        lPreloaderCSS = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[class*="--preloadOverlay--"]')
                        if len(lPreloaderCSS)>0: time.sleep(0.5) # preloader is here - wait
                        else: lDoWaitBool = False # Stop wait if preloader is dissappear
                        if (time.time() - lTimeFromFLoat) > 15: # check if timeout is more than 15 seconds
                            lRetryJobBool = True # Loading error on page - do break, then retry the job
                            if inLogger: inLogger.warning(f"    {15} .,    ")
                            break # break the loop
                    if lRetryJobBool == True: # break the loop if RetryJobBool is true
                lPageCounterInt = lPageCounterInt + 1 # Increment the page counter
                lRetryJobBool = True
                if inLogger: inLogger.warning(
                    f"      .   : {lPageNumberInt},  : {lPageCounterInt}")
        if lRetryJobBool == False:  # break the loop if RetryJobBool is true
            # Check dir - create if not exists
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'])):
            # Save result in file
            lFile = open(f"{os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'],lDatetimeNowStr.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').replace(':','_').replace('.','_'))}.json","w",encoding="utf-8")

#  Google Chrome with selenium web driver
lWebDriver = WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath = gWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath = gChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList = gExtensionFullPathList)
lFilterURLStr = "https://www.cian.ru/cat.php?deal_type=sale&engine_version=2&in_polygon%5B1%5D=37.6166_55.7678%2C37.6147_55.7688%2C37.6114_55.7694%2C37.6085_55.7698%2C37.6057_55.77%2C37.6018_55.77%2C37.5987_55.77%2C37.5961_55.7688%2C37.5942_55.7677%2C37.5928_55.7663%2C37.5915_55.7647%2C37.5908_55.7631%2C37.5907_55.7616%2C37.5909_55.7595%2C37.5922_55.7577%2C37.5944_55.7563%2C37.5968_55.7555%2C37.6003_55.7547%2C37.603_55.7543%2C37.6055_55.7542%2C37.6087_55.7541%2C37.6113_55.7548%2C37.6135_55.756%2C37.6151_55.7574%2C37.6163_55.7589%2C37.6179_55.7606%2C37.6187_55.7621%2C37.619_55.7637%2C37.6194_55.7651%2C37.6193_55.7667%2C37.6178_55.7679%2C37.6153_55.7683%2C37.6166_55.7678&offer_type=flat&polygon_name%5B1%5D=%D0%9E%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C+%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0&room1=1&room2=1"
lJobItem = {
    "SearchKeyStr": "_",
    "SearchTitleStr": ",  ",  # Title of the search [str]
    "SearchURLStr": lFilterURLStr,
    # URL of the CIAN search [str]
OffersByJobExtractDict(inLogger = logging, inWebDriver = lWebDriver, inJob = lJobItem)


WEB open source pyOpenRPA. pyOpenRPA .

Desktop WEB . - .

, , .


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